Dallas and Ewing Family

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Dallas and Ewing Family

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 23, '09, 3:48 am

Anyone here remember the very popular prime-time tv show back in the 80's called "Dallas"? Remember J.R. Ewing (played by actor Larry Hagman) and his wife Sue Ellen Ewing? Remember the hoopla of "Who shot J.R.?, which was one of the show's final season ending episodes?

Well, it looks like they might be bringing "Dallas" back to the tv screen again:


Do you think "Dallas" could be a successful tv show once again, or not?

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Re: Dallas and Ewing Family

Postby Thoul » Fri Oct 23, '09, 4:15 am

I vaguely remember the whole "Who shot JR" craze, but I don't recall the show itself. I was too young to pay attention to night time TV back then. :lol: The show might work today, if they approach it right. A lot of shows in the same vein that are currently around seem to be struggling, though. I doubt many of the old cast would stick with it, either. Still, it might work if aimed at the right audience.

I mean, if V can make a comeback, why not Dallas?
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Re: Dallas and Ewing Family

Postby Darkil » Fri Oct 23, '09, 3:27 pm

I used to watch this show as a kid [lol I think I might've dated myself]. This was a huge thing, so much so that they had a contest to see who could guess who shot JR.
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Dallas and Ewing Family

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jul 8, '11, 10:21 pm

Well, it seems like the new "Dallas" is a go for the popular TNT network and some of the stars from the original Dallas will be showing up there also, including Larry Hagman (J.R. Ewing), Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing), and Linda Grey (Sue Ellen Ewing):


This is terrific!!!! I hope the show is successful this time around too.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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