CYOA status and Voting

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CYOA status and Voting

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Aug 25, '11, 7:59 am

Hey guys (And wonderful gals),

Chris here. As you know, I currently have 3 CYOA (Create Your Own Adventure) stories. Those being Kyoda, Night Never Sleeps and of course, my personal favourite, Phantasy Star Story. As you can tell, updates on them have been rather slow. That's due mainly to my busy life and spending my free time with other things. But I still love my stories, and as so want to see them through to the end. However, one reason why some stories are frozen is because I have a quality bar in my head at where the writing level should be, and that stops me from writing. That's right, I'm afraid I will ruin my own stories.

So here I am trying to come up with a solution that will hopefully get me into writing all three of them at once again, while at the same time overcoming my quality fear. But I don't want to overload myself nor do I want it to be a chore for myself. So I've come up with a simple solution that will push me just enough to work on them, but at the same time keep me happy and my CYOA fanbase (Wait do I even have that? XD).

What, you want to hear my solution? Alright then, let's do this. I want to try and update my CYOAs at least once every two weeks or more. However, I won't always have time to update them. So I ask this of you. Tell me which to update next. That's right, more involvement from you guys (and wonderful gals).

And you know what, just to make it seem familiar, let's do it true CYOA style. That's right I'm importing the voting system in here. Between each update I'll look in this topic, tally up the votes, and write in the story based on that suggestion. So yes, I may even start up Kyoda again if people demand it.


Well, let's get this voting started. Which story should I update next? And you know what, since I'm curious, tell me which is your favourite story so far between the three.

A - Kyoda
B - Night Never Sleeps
C - Phantasy Star Story
D - Author's Choice
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Re: CYOA status and Voting

Postby Thoul » Fri Aug 26, '11, 3:28 pm

Hm... I'll go with C for an update, I guess. My favorite is a toss up between PSS and Night. I like them both about the same.
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Re: CYOA status and Voting

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Aug 29, '11, 5:10 pm

I like them all really well. I think my fave is "Night Never Sleeps", so I'll go with B.

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Re: CYOA status and Voting

Postby Rudo » Fri Sep 2, '11, 10:03 am

Pick one and go with it. Or better yet, do all 3.
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