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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Sep 22, '07, 6:40 pm

I had not heard anything about this until reading Komrade's post here recently. While watching the news today, I heard a great deal more about it. The whole issue seems to be growing completely out of hand, as usually happens in a situation of this type it seems. That is sad too. Sometimes it looks like we haven't made any progress at all in regards to race, respecting others, abiding by the laws of the land, etc.

While the original act may not have been the right thing to do or handled wrongly to begin with, that still does not make it right to handle the situation or retailiate with violence also. A crime is a crime and should be treated as such and the appropriate punishment handed down, in my opinion.

And, didn't the original "message" of some race supporters in the beginning talk about or had the premise of issues like this to be carried out with " non-violence". It seems all we see on TV these days is violence, and very little "non-violence".

Anyway, it is a sad news item, I think, but one that probably will be, and has been, multiplied many times in different ways and different areas and that will seemingly never go completely away. :(

Also, I think CNN (channel 39) is doing a show on this tonight at 7 p.m. called "Jenna 6", I believe, if anyone is interested.

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Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Sep 23, '07, 1:33 am

Thoul wrote:I can understand punishing the noose guys. At the very least, they (speaking of the original incident) are guilty of disturbing the peace. I don't think the arrest of the men with the nooses in their truck is justifiable unless the nooses were clearly visible.
Yeah, that was a blatant case of trying to cause trouble. I just hope they don't go after the original kids that did it, even if I find them utterly contemptible.

No wonder they're caving in. The entire population of the town is outnumbered by 10,000 people. If there was a riot by the protestors, the police wouldn't have a prayer of stopping it. The entire place would be destroyed.
I understand why they're caving in too. They're afraid of the consequences of upholding their decisions.

I'm composing a letter to send to all my congressmen about the issue. Appeasement never works, ever. If the law gets compromised on crime, as opposed to the '60s Civil Rights Movement when the same tactics resulted in laws about work, I don't know if the justice system will be capable of repair.

I don't see what the issue of injustice about the one of the "six" that's been tried as an adult. It turns out he had a previous criminal record, and stomped an unconscious guy. What 16 year old doesn't know that six people trampling someone might kill him?
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 24, '07, 5:08 pm

Lots of stuff happening in the news for today, Monday, September 24th.

First, Iran's President is due to speak at Columbia University this morning. We'll see how that goes! :eyebrow:

Also, some union workers at General Motors, I think, are threatening to walk out on strike this morning. It could affect several thousand workers, I heard.

Also, a 5 year old Iranian boy that suffered severe facial injuries in an attack on him is set to have his second surgery in the US today to try and repair his face. He and his family were flown to the US and the surgery will be done for free as I think everything has been donated already or something. Pray for this little guy everyone, he's so young and has suffered so much already. It's a shame when the kids have to suffer during war or any other time. :(

Also, Halo III, by Microsoft, comes out today, I think. First I had heard about it on the news this morning. Sounds interesting. :hyper:

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Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 24, '07, 8:56 pm

I heard a little bit about the GM strike a few minutes ago. Apparently it's a national strike, so all their union employees in the US walked out.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 25, '07, 3:50 pm

Yes, Thoul, the workers are all on strike today it seems. I hope they get what they are seeking. They do a good and important job and deserve the benefits, I think. :up: I just hope the strike is soon settled and over.

Well, for today, President Bush is to give a speech at the United Nations this morning. I'm not watching it but will find out later what all he said, if anything important. Iran's President also gives a speech at the UN today, I think. :roll:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 25, '07, 5:22 pm

Here's a bit of sad news regarding the new "Batman" movie: ... 012317.stm

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Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 26, '07, 2:01 am

That's a shame... I feel for the family. This is a sure sign that the movie will be dedicated to this person, whatever their name was.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 27, '07, 3:38 am

Well in Wednesday's news, the GM Strike is over! Wow, that was fast! :yes:

Also, the Jury came back with a verdict of "Guilty" for Warren Jeffers (sp?).

And, the Jury in the Phil Spector murder trial could not decide his guilt or innocence which resulted in a " hung jury " .


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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 27, '07, 5:49 pm

News for Thursday, September 27, includes more recalls from China. This latest batch of recalls includes baby cribs and more toys with lead found in them. :yuck:

I heard that one lady had gotten a replacement for a toy that was previously recalled, and now the replacement toy is also on the recall list. :shiftyeyes: :ill:

Also, the new Superman sequel movie with actor Brandon Routh may be delayed. :glasses-slip: Here's a link to read more: ... 3?gt1=7701

I am looking forward to seeing this Justice League movie, and hope they give it the attention, honor, and treatment that it so richly deserves. I think it would be cool if Christian Bale and Brandon Routh were in it too, but it may not happen. :glasses-slip:

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Postby Tsunami » Thu Sep 27, '07, 11:12 pm

Secret_Surfer wrote:News for Thursday, September 27, includes more recalls from China. This latest batch of recalls includes baby cribs and more toys with lead found in them. :yuck:

That's just terrible! I feel sorry for any parents with babies or small children...hopefully people check the stuff they buy to see if it was made in China or not before purchasing. :worried: (I know I would)
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