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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 19, '07, 7:19 pm

In the news for today (Wednesday), O.J. Simpson's bail hearing was this morning and he is to be released on $125, 000.00 bail. No problem for him from what I have heard so far. He is allowed to travel anywhere in the US and can go home to Florida and back to Las Vegas, but cannot travel outside the US and was ordered to hand his passport over to his attorney. Why give the passport to his attorney, I wonder? Looks like they would have to turn it over to other authorities or law personnel. Oh well!

Another hearing regarding the case has been set sometime in the week of Oct. 22 for other action. I heard someone say that this case may not even finally reach a jury trial until sometime next year. :? That seems slow to me, but I guess the wheels of justice turn slowly sometimes. :roll:

Also, today is National "Talk like a pirate day" or something along those lines, so "Ahoy, Matey!". I'm not sure if that means hello or goodbye, but it's the only "pirate talk" I can think of at the moment. I may have to go watch those Johnny Depp "Pirates movies" again to learn more. :lol: :wink:

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Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 19, '07, 10:09 pm

Drat, I missed pirate day again. One of these years, I'm going to catch that ahead of time and have some fun with it.

As far as O.J., I'm surprised they let him out on bail. Considering that he ran last time, it seems obvious to me that he would be a flight risk. Ah well, I suppose they just didn't want to keep up locked up for so long, especially if the trial won't be until next year.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Sep 20, '07, 12:29 am

Secret_Surfer wrote:I tend to agree with you about severing those ties. The US has been friends with Britian, and vice versa, for a very long time and should condemn such talk as this. In short, this guy sounds like a nutcase and the world should be wary of him and anyone who follows after him, in my opinion. :eyebrow:
The Brits and the Russians have already kicked out each others' embassies, so it only seems logical to me if we support out ally and do the same.

Thoul wrote:As far as O.J., I'm surprised they let him out on bail. Considering that he ran last time, it seems obvious to me that he would be a flight risk.
Geez, I forgot about that. How true!

Pirate Day: I didn't know there was such a thing. I should post a pic of my pirate shirt! :D Incoming Atlas Shrugged massive spoiler:

So Alan Greenspan released his memoirs the other day, and declared our economy to be on the verge of a massive depression. I find this completely absurd coming from a man that wrote an essay stating that the Great Depression was caused by the organization he later became the head of, The Federal Reserve Bank. So... according to his past statements, if we're on the brink of depression, it's his organization's fault! :fiery: The current chairman, Ben Bernanke, won't claim Fed credit for the Great Depression but admits the Fed made it worse. :down:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 20, '07, 7:33 pm

The Komrade wrote:So Alan Greenspan released his memoirs the other day, and declared our economy to be on the verge of a massive depression. I find this completely absurd coming from a man that wrote an essay stating that the Great Depression was caused by the organization he later became the head of, The Federal Reserve Bank. So... according to his past statements, if we're on the brink of depression, it's his organization's fault! :fiery:

:clap: Well said, Komrade! :yes:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 20, '07, 7:40 pm

In the news of today, Thursday, so far that is, I heard this morning that Iran's President (I can't spell or pronounce his name) is coming to the USA for meetings at the United Nations sometime next week and he has asked to see the World Trade Center site. :blank:

Many New Yorkers, and others, are upset about this and don't think he should be allowed there. From what I understand he will be told officially "No" or "no official escort", however, there is nothing that would stop him from just going by there on his own. That might be dangerous, though. I guess we'll see what happens next week.

Look for more on this subject in our "Question Of The Day" for today. :yes:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Sep 20, '07, 11:54 pm

He shouldn't even be given an answer. Would you invite Hitler to Israel? Or even consider it a valid question?

Edit: In other news: have any of you heard this business about "The Jena 6"? It's evidently an issue that people are trying to bring into the realm of a race conflict, as six young black boys assault a white boy at school, (haven't heard if there was any connection between the white boy and the next part though,) all stemming from the fact that there was a tree on school grounds where white kids usually sat, and black kids chose to sit there. The next day nooses were hanging in the tree, the usual threat of the KKK.

Some believe that the "Jena 6" should not only not be tried for attempted murder, (one has, and was tried as an adult) but have no punishment whatsoever. Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton are organizing a mass protest at the said tree, busing in thousands of blacks, declaring this to be a heinous injustice of racism to try the "Jena 6".

To me, the whole thing is absurd. It is a deplorable that some white kids would hang up nooses, and these people have committed an act of evil of the greatest order, but the solution isn't for the "Jena 6" to assault a white boy. The nooses were a threat; one can't be charged for any crime unless an act of physical force is committed, which a threat is not. Assault, and attempted murder are, and thus I believe the "Jena 6" to be justly arrested and charged for their crime. Bringing race into the issue is irrelevant. This is how racism is continued, and made an institution.

However, the two Reverends are demanding that there be a new category of law, racial law: that because the "Jena 6" are black, retaliating against moronic bigotry of whites, that they should be considered innocent. This opens up a new realm of law that demands recognition of skin color in determining guilt or innocence in issues. This is racism, demanded by the two Reverends to be written into law as justice, and exempts the crimes assault and attempted murder.

This forgets that white, black, green, pink, puce, or whatever, is not the distinguishing characteristic of a man, but that he is simply a man, and nothing more, with the same individual rights guaranteed to him by law. Define "whiteness" or "blackness". It's a color, not an idea.

While the whites that hung up nooses are most likely racists, the solution is not to demand a special black law that takes racism one step farther, and writes it into law. That's an act more evil than a man being racist, that's demanding that the law be racist.
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Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 21, '07, 3:05 am

On the one hand, I'm almost glad that Iran's President is going to the UN; hopefully someone there can talk some sense into him regarding his insane policies. I don't hold out much hope for that, though. I'm not at all surprised that he asked to go to the Trade Center site. His kind often think they are invincible. I'm happy the New York police had the good sense to deny the request.

I hadn't heard about the "Jena 6," but I agree with just about everything you said on that, Komrade. Calling for these young men to be given a free pass because they were responding to a racist act is ridiculous. It would be like legalizing every crime. All one would have to do to get acquitted of anything is claim it was a defense against racism.

I find it mind boggling that some people believe racism can only be actions against people of one specific color. Even if this was a KKK related incident, these six boys committed an act that is every bit as racist as that. There are far better ways they could have responded.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Fri Sep 21, '07, 1:26 pm

Thoul wrote:I hadn't heard about the "Jena 6," but I agree with just about everything you said on that, Komrade. Calling for these young men to be given a free pass because they were responding to a racist act is ridiculous. It would be like legalizing every crime. All one would have to do to get acquitted of anything is claim it was a defense against racism.

I find it mind boggling that some people believe racism can only be actions against people of one specific color. Even if this was a KKK related incident, these six boys committed an act that is every bit as racist as that. There are far better ways they could have responded.
I'm glad you agree.

I just read the morning Sports section, (these facts weren't in the front page news story!!) that the "Jena 6" business is a bunch of stretched facts and lies. The scene with the nooses occurred three months ago, and had nothing to do with the white student that was attacked. He, by the way, was knocked unconscious and stomped by the "Jena 6". Four of the "6" have already had the charges against them downgraded, yet over 14,000 protesters were bussed in to the town of Jena to demand "justice. (This is a town of population about 4,000.)

The protesters want all of the six to be let off entirely, particularly the last one of the six that has already been convicted, because they claim racial bias in the case, partially because it was an all white jury. They neglect to mention that black people were asked to be on the jury, and they all refused to be part of it... and the defense attorney was a black man. I don't see how any claim of racism is even possible here.

That crowd of protesters is demanding the students that put up the nooses months ago be prosecuted instead of the kids that stomped the unconscious guy.... it seems the protesters are not aware of any of the facts. I find it troubling that the media isn't putting out the information in the case, as I said, I had to read it in the Sports page :o as one of the six was a football player. I hope someone on the side of justice takes a stand, because the implications of a law making threats illegal are terrifying.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Sat Sep 22, '07, 1:03 am

I was too drowsy this morning: Thoul, you're absolutely right about:

Thoul wrote:that some people believe racism can only be actions against people of one specific color.
That's so true. I've never seen it applied except in one direction, which makes it a completely hypocritical term when it's used like that.

I hear the Jena police caved in and arrested a couple of guys for driving through town with nooses in the bed of their' pickup truck. It's up to the courts to stop this precedent of a threat being a criminal offense... Really, don't the police realize that the term "threat" can't be interpreted fairly into law? A dirty look could be a threat!
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Postby Thoul » Sat Sep 22, '07, 4:17 pm

I can understand punishing the noose guys. At the very least, they (speaking of the original incident) are guilty of disturbing the peace. I don't think the arrest of the men with the nooses in their truck is justifiable unless the nooses were clearly visible.

over 14,000 protesters were bussed in to the town of Jena to demand "justice. (This is a town of population about 4,000.)

No wonder they're caving in. The entire population of the town is outnumbered by 10,000 people. If there was a riot by the protestors, the police wouldn't have a prayer of stopping it. The entire place would be destroyed.
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