Summer Music Concerts

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Summer Music Concerts

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jul 7, '08, 4:51 pm

Summer is a good time when a lot of music artists have outdoor concerts or indoor concerts, etc. Do you plan on going to see any concerts or musicians or other artists or singers in person anywhere this summer? Or any time in the near future? If so, tell us who you plan to go see, or who you would like to go see, and why you like them.

Also, if you have been to any concerts, etc., in the past, tell us about those too and who you saw in person.

Also, which do you prefer - outdoor concerts or indoor concerts?

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Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Jul 8, '08, 2:06 am

Certainly none this summer, but I am considering going to go see Sonata Arctica (again) in Cleveland in September, shortly after school starts. The main deterrent would be that the show is a Thursday night, but I'm still considering it. I went to see them last September with a couple of my friends, and boy, was it the best night of my life. I just LOVE these guys for many reasons, first and foremost probably being their lyrics. Their songwriter, Tony Kakko, writes the best lyrics EVER. It is like poetry. And they put it mostly to speed/power metal, but they write a lot of ballads and in their last album, dabbled in progressive rock/metal a bit. Another reason I like them is their energy, especially at concerts; their fanbase is pretty devoted, and I think they perform some songs just so the audience can participate (like in their song "Full Moon", during the course there is the line "Run away run away run away" twice between other lines, and the audience ALWAYS sings that). Their music is very good too...full of energy most of the time, but their melodies are flowing and beautiful, especially in their ballads. I try not to name a favorite band, but if I'm being honest with myself and other people, these guys are it.

I've also seen Opeth, and that was couple years ago, during my second semester at college. I went to see them in Pittsburgh with my brother and his girlfriend at the time. I love these guys too...mostly for their music, but they are also one of the few death metal bands out there that I like. Mikael Akerfeldt (they're Swedish) does the death vocals very well, but he doesn't overdo it and his normal singing voice is beautiful, especially for their calmer stuff.

I'm hoping I'll see at least one more concert with my friends before I graduate from college in the spring. Maybe it'll be Sonata Arctica, but maybe not. Other bands I want to see live at some point include Symphony X, Kamelot, DragonForce, Rush, Porcupine Tree and many others. FYI, the first three are mostly power and speed metal, the second two are progressive rock (mostly).

Outdoor vs. indoor...dunno. I saw Sonata and Opeth in indoor venues, and they seemed fine. Neither concert was overly fact, I saw the former in a small nightclub, 200 people at most. I think it depends on a case by case basis, really. I think the larger the crowd, the better it might be outdoors, if possible, but I think indoors is better for something smaller.
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Postby luke » Tue Jul 8, '08, 2:36 am

i went to dudefest again this year, and it was pretty good. i'm not going to bother listing all the bands, but my favorites were capsule, iron lung, kylesa, phoenix bodies, and pig destroyer.

when i was in london, i saw a band whose name i apparently can't type here without getting censored, so we'll called them "urinated jeans." by far the best band i've seen in a LONG time. the drummer somehow cut his hand, but kept playing while bleeding everywhere. by the end, their was a pool of blood on his floor tom, and everytime he hit it, you could see blood fly up a bit!

the rest of summer should be awesome, too! i'm seeing la quiete ( in a month in chicago, and boris in two weeks, also in chicago.

as for indoors vs. outdoors...indoors forever. way more intimate.
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