Crazy crap from outside.

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Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Xander » Tue Aug 3, '10, 5:09 pm

I was out for another walk yesterday, this time in the tourist swamped area of Glen Coe. This time it was to be a ridge walk, so it was like natures equivalent of a tightrope. I use the term 'walk' lightly as most of the time was spent climbing over and around various crags and outcrops of rock as you will see. All in all though, it was good fun, the weather cleared up nicely so visibility wasn't a problem.

Anyways, onto the photos. I'll put some up on DeviantArt later.

I took this picture a half hour down the road before we arrived. It sits at the end of the glen and so provides a nice sight to see on the way in. I've actually climbed this one before sometime last year.

So here we are at the top of the mountain that sits at the starting side of the ridge.

A few steps on will bring us to this area.

Looking left from the previous photo will get you this lovely view of the downward side.

Then the climbing begins here with this 20 foot drop that you have to descend very carefully.

After that descent and a climb back up what I can only describe as a rocky ladder, you're welcomed to this view. Though this is as much walking as I would be doing.

Now we've gotten to the end of that last path, here's where things get interesting.

here's a little closeup of that area ahead, at least, that we can see. The terrain is something akin to teeth.

Now we're at the top of the first little peak, let's see what's on the other side.

Yep, more crazy stuff. Please not photos got harder to take due to the terrain and my need to stay steady so the next few will show the remaining areas.

This was definitely the most interesting one. It was impossible to get up due to it being sheer so we had to go down and around, which proved to be an extremely tricky piece of scrambling, made harder by that fact that the rocks were mostly slick with water. Finding hand and footholds was a long and difficult process.

This one wasn't so bad but still very dangerous to traverse, you can just make out the path on the right side there.

Here's a view of that last bit from the other end. Yes, I actually climbed on the side of that bit there for some of the time. :o

And here's a quick look back at the ridge from the top of the mountain at the end. You can see the starting area in the back before it moves to the left and comes back into the picture before turning into the tooth like ridge. In all, 3 hours to get over it.

Now while were' at the top, let's see what views we have around us.

Looking north of the ridge you can see some more mountains. The one in the back, just in the middle, topped with cloud is actually Ben Nevis, the UKs highest mountain.

Looking back to the south and into Glen Coe you can see...well another mountain. Most eye catching is the big black gash in the side there.
It's actually a cave and is rumored to lead you to the top of the mountain, though whether that means someone can actually go through it or not remains to be seen. We've decided to go back in the future and try and get to the cave entrance and maybe even find the alleged passage to the top if it exists. :D Considering there are no caves in Scotland bar a couple of small hollows, this could prove to be a most interesting venture if it turns out there is something more to it.
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Aeroprism » Tue Aug 3, '10, 6:03 pm

Awesome photos as usual. Which brings me to an interesting question.

Have you ever thought of trying your hand at urban photographing?
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Xander » Tue Aug 3, '10, 7:11 pm

Well no, not really. Landscape photography comes more naturally to me. :)

urban photography is something that I like to look at but I'd never do it. It's not my thing. There's also the fact that every town and city in Scotland is dull, dreary and overall kind of miserable to look at, nevermind walk around in, and it's hard to take a picture of something you don't like. :shiftyeyes: Think human rabbit warrens and you're not too far off.
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 3, '10, 10:27 pm

Wow, those are amazing pics, Xander! Thanks for sharing them with us. You have my admiration for climbing those mountains. It sounds like fun, but it looks very dangerous. Please be careful. Oh yes, and let us know how it goes with the cave you mentioned. :)

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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Xander » Tue Aug 3, '10, 10:51 pm

Well danger isn't something that pops up in this very often. The last time it was anywhere like that was back in winter this year when we climbed up this one.
Now it might look like it would just be a steep walk up (that's what was thought at first) but it wasn't long before we were carving holds and kicking our feet into the snow to hold on, nevermind we had to work our way around ice patches and put up with blowing snow. Plus we had no climbing gear, just our bare hands and feet. Looking down showed an almost vertical drop and turning back wasn't an option because the holds were too weak for it, so it makes this ridge seem pretty easy in comparison. :D But in my experience, the most testing moments are the ones more fondly remembered.

Anyway, glad you liked them. People on DeviantArt certainly seem to think so too. Of the 4 I've uploaded I have 3 faves. The cave is something we plan to do in the coming months, but it's not high on the list to do. But you'll know it when I post pics up if we get round to it. :)
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Aug 3, '10, 11:09 pm

I am reminded of Rohan in the Lord of the Rings movies. And that's a good thing. :D
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Thoul » Wed Aug 4, '10, 6:36 pm

Maybe one of the next big fantasy movies will use areas like this for their world instead of New Zealand. :lol: It would certainly fit the feel perfectly.

Great photos as always, Xander. I'm looking forward to the results of the cave expedition! Just be careful with that. There's no telling what might be living in there.
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Xander » Wed Aug 4, '10, 6:59 pm

I don't think we'll need to worry about things living in there. Scotland has no predatory animals of any kind. They were all wiped out a long time ago. The only concern would be the cave itself. :p

As for filming there, well why not? Glen Coe is already flooded with tourists as it is so it can't get any worse. :D Nevermind the crowds on the west highland way, a hiking trail from Glasgow to Fort William.
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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 13, '10, 2:34 am

I'm surprised some company hasn't thought of shooting a film there already. It's beautiful area for it.

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Re: Crazy crap from outside.

Postby Xander » Fri Aug 13, '10, 11:53 am

Come to think of it, I'm sure I remember some part of some harry potter film being shot in the area years ago.
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