
Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)


Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jun 28, '11, 5:24 am

Anyone here a fan of using coupons on various food items when grocery shopping, etc.?

Well, it looks like some stores are cracking down on coupons making it a bit harder to use them and perhaps causing coupon users a bit more frustrations in seeking out and finding that great buy with using coupons: ... =ad0035&nc

At one time years ago, I think I fit into the "extreme coupon user" group but that's over with now. The coupons don't seem to be as readily available as they used to be and it took too much work to seek out and take advantage of the really great coupon deals. Now, I only use one if it's a real saving experience.

Anyone here ever use coupons??

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Re: Coupons

Postby Thoul » Tue Jun 28, '11, 8:29 am

I used to print out some online and use them, but most of the ones for stuff I buy expired and aren't offered now. I haven't bothered to print any out in ages. Occasionally I order coupons for free Coca-Cola through the MyCokeRewards program. Some stores have gotten more restrictive on accepting those lately, however.
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Re: Coupons

Postby Qara » Tue Jun 28, '11, 4:19 pm

Occassionally I may use one or two but overall it's just too much trouble to keep them sorted and use before they expire.
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