Annoying video game enemies

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Annoying video game enemies

Postby S4Blade » Fri Feb 14, '14, 5:03 pm

What are some annoying video game enemies that you have come across in your gaming life. I have two that come to mind.

1. Marlboros - Final Fantasy series.

Those who have played any Final Fantasy games have more than likely come across Marlboros while playing. What makes them so annoying is that they use a spell called "Bad Breath"

What Bad Breath does is it inflicts a bunch, if not all of the status ailments in the game on your party members at once, rendering them almost useless. Getting one character hit by Bad Breath is bad enough, but when the spell hits all of your party members at once, it's pretty much Game Over.

Another thing that makes them annoying is that they are rare monsters, so you will often run into them when you least expect it, and you will not be prepared for the confrontation. Nothing like running into a Marlboro and losing your progress because of Bad Breath. There is usually not much you can do about it.

2. Ghost Fish - Ninja Gaiden series

Ghost Fish in Ninja Gaiden are not life threatening, in fact they are put into the game as health recovery enemies to help you out. Then why are they so annoying? Well they attack in large groups, and you often can't kill them as fast as they approach you. They can also fly right through walls to attack you and will knock you down and continue to chomp on you unless you can shake them off. Ghost Fish have to be the most sadistic form of health recovery I have ever seen in a game.

So what are some annoying enemies that you have come accross in your gaming life?
Last edited by S4Blade on Sat Feb 15, '14, 10:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Feb 14, '14, 6:57 pm

May seem weird, but three of my most annoying video game enemies are from Red Dead Redemption. The wolves and cougars in that game are utterly vicious. Especially the cougars - they can kill most horse breeds in one swipe, with the exception of the two breeds with the highest health, the Hungarian Half-bred and War Horse. Plus you generally don't know they're near you until they've attacked you/your horse, unless you're lucky enough to spot one in all the grass and shrubbery or it goes 'GRRROOOWWWW!' before pouncing on you, giving you at least warning that one is around. Lastly, they blend in, are very fast, and move erratically, so even if you've got a gun, seeing them can be very hard and shooting them even harder without dead-eye.

The wolves can also be extremely sneaky, plus as you might expect, they attack in packs of anywhere from 4-6 members, and their numbers make up for the fact that as individuals, they're weaker and slower than cougars. It doesn't take a group of wolves too long to down your horse, and when there's so many of them around, it can make taking them out very difficult. You try to aim at one then one of its pack mates latches itself onto your arm. I've probably died at the hands (or paws?) of wolves and cougars in that game more than any other enemy.

I found both of these animals far more threatening than the ridiculously strong bears, which are still annoying. Wolves and cougars can be found basically anywhere on the (huge) map, though cougars tend to stick to more rugged areas. Bears are restricted only to the Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth. They're big and noisy, so they generally can't sneak up on you, though they can kill you and any breed of horse in one hit. But the advantage is that you can run just slightly faster than they can, so even without a horse, you can run away or at least get enough distance between you and a bear to turn around and shoot it. Unlike wolves and cougars, bears will generally charge straight for you instead of moving all over the place, making this feasible. The strongest guns, like the buffalo rifle and a couple of the shotguns, can kill a bear with one well-placed shot to the face. But even this is hard when you're being pursued by several of them, plus there's other hostile wildlife in that area, like boars, coyotes, and the aforementioned cougars and wolves.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Fri Feb 14, '14, 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby Hukos » Fri Feb 14, '14, 7:06 pm

One word: Slicers.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby Bragatyr » Fri Feb 14, '14, 8:43 pm

The most annoying enemy to me is without doubt the Medusa heads from Castlevania III. They've resulted in more ungodly deaths and roars of frustration on my part than any other video game enemy, for sure. I know there are a ton more, the 8-bit era was notorious for this, but I'm having trouble thinking of others.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby S4Blade » Sat Feb 15, '14, 12:25 am

Bragatyr wrote:The most annoying enemy to me is without doubt the Medusa heads from Castlevania III. They've resulted in more ungodly deaths and roars of frustration on my part than any other video game enemy, for sure. I know there are a ton more, the 8-bit era was notorious for this, but I'm having trouble thinking of others.

That's a good one actually. To be more specific, I would say the brown Medusa Heads that turn you to stone and make you fall down the clock towers.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby Hukos » Sat Feb 15, '14, 6:36 pm

Bragatyr wrote:The most annoying enemy to me is without doubt the Medusa heads from Castlevania III. They've resulted in more ungodly deaths and roars of frustration on my part than any other video game enemy, for sure. I know there are a ton more, the 8-bit era was notorious for this, but I'm having trouble thinking of others.

Castlevania 3 has a lot of annoying enemies, but Medusa Heads? The only time I considered them remotely annoying was the end of Stage 9. The gargoyles to me were far more annoying, especially in the vertical stair sections.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Feb 22, '14, 6:20 am

After tonight, clickers from The Last of Us belong on my annoying (but cool and frankly, creepiest) enemies list. Clickers are stage 3 of the fungal Cordyceps brain infection (henceforth CBI) that's brought down humanity. By this stage of CBI, victims have lost all trace of humanity and the fungus has completely taken over the host's brain and behavior, when before, victims showed some signs of trying to resist the Cordyceps influence.

So, why are clickers creepy, and why are they called clickers? Clickers are blind…because the fungus that has invaded the brain, particularly the frontal cortex, and destroyed all higher brain function in the human host has basically grown out through all orifices in the victim's face except the mouth. So, clickers look vaguely human, but have bioluminescent fungal growths completely covering their faces, and some sprouting from their neck and shoulders. To compensate, clickers have keen hearing and have developed crude echolocation, so they make a distinctive clicking/croaking sound. CONSTANTLY. In environments that more often than not, are dark, and your only source of light is your flashlight, which only illuminates what's directly in front of you. Oh, and if a clicker grabs you, it's game over, though you can get an upgrade later that gives you the chance to save yourself before it kills you.

To add to the creepiness factor, tonight, I was playing the beginning of the game. This takes place in Boston. Where I live and work right now. So I went through several locations I am in regularly during my weekly routine and had to get past or fight clicking glowing fungus people. Encountering 5 of these things these things in the Park Street T station? Creepy. I'm there at least twice a week.

I may not sleep tonight and I'm going to play a bit of Okami to calm my nerves. I don't play much survival-horror, but this game had me tense and frightened me more than any horror movie I've seen and it's mostly thanks to these clickers.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby myau56 » Sun Feb 23, '14, 10:22 am

I'll say a monster from Phantasy Star (again ! yes...;) ) DARK MARAUDERS !
But only when they are launching their THUNDER spells from their helmets... It can be a real pain in the...(well no need to mark it ! :lol: ) : when you are low on HP's it can really be a sad thing..and they are somtimes a bi résistants..BUT luckily there isn't more than one of them during a battle ! If it wasn't the case...:(

MAMMOTHS are a bit different BUT then it's their numbers which is a real pain ! :( when there are 5 of them at a time (with HP reaching 180) OUCH ! They are EXTREMELY resistant and without the laser gun...:(
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby S4Blade » Mon Feb 24, '14, 3:44 pm

I remember the Dark Marauders. They could be very annoying with their lighting attack which hit all of your party members.
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Re: Annoying video game enemies

Postby myau56 » Wed Feb 26, '14, 10:13 pm

Yes, Dark Marauders are real pain in the.. I'll not say the word ! ;) But their lightning attacks are really annoying... :(
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