Comic Books re-do

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Comic Books re-do

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 2, '11, 1:40 am

Don't ask me why, I don't understand it yet, but for some reason DC comics have decided to renumber some of their future comics.

I would assume this is being done to increase comic books sales, or something of that nature. ... titialskip

Any comic book fans here on the forum, and if so, do ya'll understand this move by DC comics, and what do you think of it?

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Re: Comic Books re-do

Postby Bragatyr » Thu Jun 2, '11, 2:31 am

I do know it's massively annoying when they renumber everything just for sales. I'm hearing about some creative changes that are supposed to accompany this move, too, so people are definitely annoyed. I haven't been following comics lately, though.
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Re: Comic Books re-do

Postby Thoul » Thu Jun 2, '11, 6:08 am

Yep, it's just a gimmick to get more sales in. They're trying to attract new readers, going from the concept that people are more likely to buy a book at issue #1 than they are to buy #156 or whatever. Sadly, this has become rather common place in the comic industry. This instance will be the largest use of the practice on multiple titles, to my knowledge. 52 titles are supposed to be reset to #1. I expect some of them to revert to the original numbering later on.

I'm reserving judgement on the creative changes that are coming with it. There are a lot of rumors floating around, but few real facts. Some people are saying that some characters are going to revert back over 20 in their history and development, that the past few years of storylines are all going to be undone, or that everything will continue on like normal.
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Re: Comic Books re-do

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 1, '11, 4:14 am

Well, It looks like the comic books re-do has begun: ... ?GT1=43001

I wonder what comic book fans will think of this and whether they will love it or hate it.

Sometimes I don't like it when history is changed.

Comments or Opinions?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Comic Books re-do

Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 1, '11, 5:24 am

Only one book, Justice League, is out now, so it's still too early for me to form a good opinion on it. Some of the creative changes sound okay, but some could be easily mishandled. A few things, like the regression of Superman's relationships, are bits I really don't look forward to seeing drawn out in another batch of stories again.

Supposedly the Justice League #1 issue already sold out in the first day and is going to a second printing, so that's a good thing. Keeping a good number of sales up will be the real test to determine if this relaunch plan works in the long run.
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