College Yearbooks turning digital

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College Yearbooks turning digital

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Oct 3, '10, 9:43 pm

Many colleges are having their yearbooks go digital: ... ital_N.htm

It's a wonder they haven't thought of this before now. I would not be at all surprised if many other learning institutions (high schools, etc.,) begin adopting this procedure very soon also.

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Re: College Yearbooks turning digital

Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 4, '10, 7:47 pm

This is a good idea for preserving the memories, but I wonder if it means schools will eventually stop selling yearbooks? Creating a digital version would be a lot less expensive than getting a bunch of hardcover books printed up every year.

On the other hand, it's difficult to sign a digital yearbook with personal comments and keep it for years. Some people may not want to give up that experience.
Last edited by Thoul on Mon Oct 4, '10, 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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