Coke's Dasani Drops

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Coke's Dasani Drops

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 10, '12, 1:42 am

Coke has something new...Dasani Drops that you can add to bottled water for various flavors, etc.: ... d=15531972

Hmmm, anyone think this will be a hit...or a miss?? If people want flavored water, then why not just buy flavored water or other flavored drinks instead of drops to add to water???? Can anyone enlighten me on why??? I just don't see the point. :yaknow:

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Re: Coke's Dasani Drops

Postby myau56 » Mon Sep 10, '12, 10:10 am

Like a concentrated fruit juice that you can add to water ? Why not ! But we can ask really if it's not better to buy directly flavored water or fruit juice ?
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Re: Coke's Dasani Drops

Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 10, '12, 9:42 pm

One benefit of using this over buying a pre-flavored water is that you can add this to any water. Instead of getting an expensive case of bottled water, you could use this with tap water. Since it's a smaller package, it would also be easier to carry with you on a trip. You could buy a bottle of water or get a cup and fill it with water from a fountain, then have yourself a flavored drink in a place where pre-flavored waters aren't sold.
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