Cloned Foods

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Cloned Foods

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jan 15, '08, 10:24 pm

I heard on the news today that the US government has approved the sale of cloned foods - cloned meat, etc. for consumption by humans, I think it said.

How do you feel about that? Would you eat cloned foods, meat, etc.?

Do you think there should be labels on the products identifying them as cloned foods, or not?

As for me, I will certainly NOT eat anything cloned if I know about it. And, yes, I do think there should be labels on anything cloned that may be on the grocery counter for sale, etc.

Really, the whole idea just disgusts me. I am in shock that the government would approve such a thing. There is no way they can tell if this is going to be safe years from now, even though they may think it is safe now. I don't believe in this cloning stuff. Just my opinion. :irked:

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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Jan 16, '08, 12:49 am

What is cloned foods supposed to mean? How on earth do you clone something like mashed potatoes! XDDDDDDDD Reminds me of MEat. XD Thats what I call it. MEat.
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Postby Rudo » Wed Jan 16, '08, 3:53 am

What will they think of next? Wait, I don't even want to know. :pan:

No, I wouldn't eat any of it. Some people may not have a problem with it and that's fine with me.
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Postby Celeith » Wed Jan 16, '08, 6:59 pm

SparkyIII wrote:What is cloned foods supposed to mean? How on earth do you clone something like mashed potatoes! XDDDDDDDD Reminds me of MEat. XD Thats what I call it. MEat.

I think basically its talking about cloning suchthings as cows, chickens and most animals that we eat.. i don't see why they would clone a potato or anything like that though.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 16, '08, 7:24 pm

Yes, I think they are basically talking about meats (from cows, lambs, goats, etc. and stuff like that, for now. I don't know if there is any way they can clone a potato or a vegetable, but I would not be surprised at all if there is.

I think it will be interesting to see how the public reacts to this and how many say they will, or won't eat these cloned foods. It could have an impact on how this process of cloning is done or received in the future.

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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Jan 16, '08, 11:10 pm

I'm surprised no one questioned MEat! XD Its a funny food that they take pieces of your skin and grow it in some fun little science dishes and then you can take it and eat yourself. XD Thats why I call it ME-at. XD
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Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 17, '08, 2:43 am

"Cloned foods" probably includes products made from cloned animals, like milk from cloned cows. I haven't decided on how I feel about the idea. I'm sure the cloned products will have to be marked as such in some way, if only to avoid upsetting religious groups and avoid lawsuits.
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Jan 17, '08, 4:02 am

Eh... What's wrong with plain old cows? Why is there any such need to clone things to begin with? It's not like cows ten years from now will be inferior to their ancestors. :D
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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Jan 17, '08, 4:11 am

Maybe they're trying to end world hunger?
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Jan 17, '08, 4:24 am

SparkyIII wrote:Maybe they're trying to end world hunger?
I don't see the point in cloning though. It's just as effective to, for example, increase the cow population through breeding. Is there something about cloning that's better?

Besides, I'm wary about the possible problems with the cloned animals. If there's something wrong with them, then wouldn't there be a chance that it could effect people?
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