Clone lab ethics

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Clone lab ethics

Postby Zio_Falz » Mon Aug 28, '23, 9:43 pm

Considering that, by the end of the game, you are playing it's not only a clone, but a clone of the clones, because of clone labs cloning you every time you die, and even if you never died, during an active play through, you actually did, they at least once, because when the satellite explodes, you did die, and Tyler had to you revive you by cloning, what do you suppose are the ethics of cloning in this universe? Why aren't there clones existing multiple times? As in multiple copies of a single person.
We only encounter that once, and it's with a partial biomonster humanoid.
So we can assume that, ethically, or, for another reason, it is against the law to make several copies of a single individual. Imagine if there were several copies of Lutz or any other person that is extremely important in the lifetime they live. I mean, shoot, imagine a party of several copies of Rolf. You would be downright, invincible. Or for that matter, imagine if there were several copies of Alis. I doubt things would've turn sour and soulless.

But for whatever reason, I can assume ethically it's not allowed. Unless there's some other reason. Do you think Motherbrain I love this, or the people of Palma? What reasons do you think you don't see several clones of a specific individual walking around?
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