Vitamin recall

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Vitamin recall

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 9, '16, 10:13 pm

It's not food, I know, but I thought it was close enough to go ahead and put this newest recall in the Delectable Delicacies thread. The recall concerns Nature Made Vitamins. Find out more at the links below: ... cid=AARDHP ... lp00000618

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Re: Vitamin recall

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Jun 9, '16, 11:19 pm

Unfortunately vitamins and supplements like these are not subject to nearly as much scrutiny as food itself or actual pharmaceuticals, and manufacturers make some of the most tenuous and ridiculous health claims. Because of that, I consider a lot of these products even more vulnerable to microbial contamination because they just simply are not regulated or inspected as vigorously. There have been cases of vitamins containing measurable and harmful amounts of mercury and lead, and supplements that contain NONE of the ingredients they claim to have.

Pro tip: UNLESS you have been told by an actual doctor to take vitamins (look for the M.D. after the name, and know what medical school that degree is from and that it is accredited), you probably do not need to supplement your diet with anything. Buying vitamins is likely a waste of money, and may actually be doing more harm than good as there is a such thing as too much of a good thing when it comes to nutrients. The one exception to that might be vitamin D outside the summer months if you live far north enough, but even that hypothesis is coming under increasing scrutiny.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Thu Jun 9, '16, 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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