Circus Bear kills manager

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Circus Bear kills manager

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 23, '09, 10:44 pm

A bear with a Russian Circus has attacked and killed a circus manager and injured one other in the same attack:

I have to admit that an ice skating bear sounds intriguing at first mention, but it's sad what happened here and finally to the bear.

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Re: Circus Bear kills manager

Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 24, '09, 12:00 am

The bear was probably being mistreated somehow. That seems to be a common factor in circus animals going on the attack. But as was said in the other thread about a bear attack a while back, it just goes to show that you can take the bear out of the wild, but not the wild out of the bear.

I have to say I find the idea of bears trained to play hockey pretty hokey, though. I wonder who came up with this stuff.
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