Oranges - Orange juice

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Oranges - Orange juice

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 18, '08, 1:06 am

Another of Nature's perfect foods, I think.

We all know that orange juice is a great souce of vitamin C - especially helpful in the winter to prevent colds or to drink when you have a cold.

However, I found out something today about orange juice that I did not know. Did you know that drinking orange juice every day can help keep some allergy's down? Remarkable.

All of a sudden, I'm getting a craving for orange juice. :wink:

How do you get your orange juice - freshly squeezed (like Lois Lane in "Superman 2" movie) or out of a box or can????

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Postby Lucas » Thu Dec 18, '08, 1:10 am

Out of a bottle from the shops usually. We very rarely squeeze our oranges we just eat them.

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Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 18, '08, 4:31 am

Squeezing takes too much time and a lot of oranges. Give me a box or bottle any day.
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