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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 8, '08, 8:18 pm 
Bumping this thread up for the current holiday season.

Are you sending out any Christmas Cards this year? With the economy so bad, I guess a lot of people will be dropping this yearly custom as stamps, etc., are becoming so expensive. Some Cards are relatively inexpensive, however they can get very expensive also. Still, it is an important Christmas tradition of sending and receiving cards.

How many Christmas Cards will you send out this year? How many Christmas Cards do you expect to receive this year?

Do you get the special Christmas stamps from the Post Office to mail your Cards with or just use ordinary stamps?

I just mailed about 20 Christmas Cards this morning, and hope to get a few more in the mail soon. We got a few of the Christmas stamps from the Post Office - yikes, they were ugly this year. Some sort of drummer, king, santa, and other figure - looked like wooden figurines or something. The Santa wasn't too bad, but they only had a few of those and twice as much of everything else. :santa:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 8, '08, 9:59 pm 
Cards mailed: zero.
Cards received: zero.

Looks like a pattern here, I'd say. :lol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 8, '08, 11:15 pm 
I haven't received or sent any yet, either. If I get one, I might send one in return, but otherwise probably not going to deal with it this year. I don't have the time to devote to sending a lot.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 9, '08, 12:26 am 
I've sent a couple so far but I've only received one back in return :blank: .

 Post subject: Re: Christmas Cards
PostPosted: Sat Dec 5, '09, 6:04 pm 
Bumping this thread up for the current year of 2009 so some of our newer members (and older ones too) can express their views/opinions on this holiday topic. :)

Are you sending out any Christmas Cards this year?

As for me, I don't know yet. I already have the Cards, but stamps are so high to mail a lot of cards. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, but time is swiftly running out on me to mail them if I do. :santa:

 Post subject: Re: Christmas Cards
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, '10, 10:28 pm 
Bumping this topic up for the year 2010.

Have you received any Christmas Cards so far this year? Have you mailed any Christmas Cards out this year, or do you intend to do so?

As for me, so far I think we've already received a few Christmas Cards but I haven't mailed a single one out this year because I've been sick with a bad cold and just haven't felt like getting around to it. If I get to feeling better I may send a few out, and if not, I won't. Still, there are some friends we hear from every year via Christmas Cards so I'll probably do it if for no other reason than that.

How about you?

 Post subject: Re: Christmas Cards
PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, '10, 8:19 am 
I think we've gotten two cards so far this year. I was going to send some out myself, but it's a bit late to do that now. I might try to do it digitally this year. That would be more friendly for the environment and such.

 Post subject: Re: Christmas Cards
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, '11, 9:13 pm 
Anyone mailing out any Christmas Cards during this holiday season of 2011? I think I've mailed out 2 cards so far...down from my usual 30 or 40 or so every year. Just not in the mood for it and not much time to fix them up and stamps are so costly also.

I've found other ways to send greetings by doing some correspondence online, and also just handing cards out to folks when I see them in person, and exchanging cards with friends at Church, etc.

I love sending and receiving Christmas Cards every year though. It's a special part of Christmas.

 Post subject: Re: Christmas Cards
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, '11, 9:34 pm 
Sent some e-cards, but I haven't mailed any physical ones this year. I just haven't felt up to it.

 Post subject: Re: Christmas Cards
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, '15, 1:24 am 
How many Christmas Cards have you mailed out for this 2015 Christmas season?

How many Christmas Cards have you received for this 2015 Christmas season?

As for me, I have mailed 3 and received 0 so far. Just not into mailing cards this year due to expense of stamps and time to get the cards ready to mail. Sending greetings by way of facebook, etc., seems quicker, although, not everyone is on facebook.

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