Chocolate Milk ban

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Should Chocolate Milk be banned at schools?

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Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 12, '11, 10:47 pm

Some schools are thinking of banning Chocolate Milk : ... olate_milk

What's your opinion?

Do you think Chocolate Milk should be banned from schools, or not?

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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Celeith » Thu May 12, '11, 11:14 pm

Well I for one don't even like milk anymore so I don't really know how to answer this. All I know is they are claiming that childhood obesity is being caused by the milk, but they don't consider its all the high carb foods they feed the kids in the cafeteria such as Pizza, chicken, lasagna, ect... Only thing I can say is if the schools shouldn't be worried about obesity cause the way the kids growth in weight comes from how the parents feed them. If they want their kids healthy then they can exercise, give them healthy lunches, and whatnot, but I don't really know or not.
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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Thoul » Fri May 13, '11, 3:08 am

A lot of kids simply don't like the taste of plain milk. I remember when I was in school, there were some who always got chocolate for that reason. People like that will likely look for alternative drinks and stop getting milk entirely, if they can. I, on the other hand, always went for the plain stuff because I liked it more. So the idea that all kids will always choose chocolate milk over regular is flawed. It depends on what the parents have taught them at home.

I agree with Kaloes - the food should be a higher priority than the drink. Surely pizza is more problematic for obesity than chocolate milk? Take care of that issue first, I say.
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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby H-Man » Fri May 13, '11, 11:45 am

I've never liked the taste of plain milk. I drink a glass of milk practically every day and I put chocolate in it (Toddy for life, baby!). Yeesh, people seem to be afraid of their shadow these days. Milk is important for one's health and if serving chocolate milk is the best way to get kids to drink it, then let them drink the darn stuff!
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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Tweeg » Sun May 15, '11, 4:38 am

What a messed up world. Clearly we should ban schools from chocolate milk, they simply aren't cool enough to handle such an intense flavor.
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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Celeith » Tue May 17, '11, 1:15 am

I understand milk is important to everyone cause it helps strengthen bones, but for the past 2 years I haven't drank milk cause it always seems to have a sour taste whenever I drink it.
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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Darkil » Mon May 23, '11, 2:29 am

I think it's silly to ban chocolate milk from schools. I still question what they hope to accomplish by this...
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Chocolate Milk ban

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon May 23, '11, 1:30 pm

I think Thoul hit it spot on when saying there's bigger problems than chocolate milk when it comes to childhood obesity. Leave the milk alone and go after the pizza and french fries. And if chocolate milk is what the kids will drink (more so than regular) leave it as well. It still has all its nutritional content, chocolate or not.
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