Chipotle free burritos ?

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Chipotle free burritos ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 26, '15, 10:22 pm

Chipotle restaurants are having a promotion for free burritos: ... ee-burrito

As always check your local area restaurants to see if they are taking part in this promotion or not as all areas may not be participating.

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Re: Chipotle free burritos ?

Postby Snorb » Mon Jan 26, '15, 11:06 pm

You'd have to buy a tofu burrito first, and I don't really want to buy one of those. I NEEDS MEAT

Besides, it's today only, and, uh, I'm stuck inside my house which is getting snowed on. So no free future burrito for me ;_;
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Re: Chipotle free burritos ?

Postby Tanith » Mon Jan 26, '15, 11:53 pm

I like tofu, but I don't know about a fast food tofu burrito. I'm a little scared.
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Re: Chipotle free burritos ?

Postby Icecypher » Tue Jan 27, '15, 11:11 pm

Interesting name for a restaurant chain. Does most of their food have chili?

As for myself, I prefer my burritos the way I have always had them: bean and cheese only.

While they could be anything (but with beans seemingly beating other fillings in popularity), it is only recently I have seen people think that burritos MUST have meat.

Edit: BTW, for me, the title would mean burritos that have no chipotle. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Icecypher on Tue Jan 27, '15, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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