Chick-fil-A free breakfast

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Chick-fil-A free breakfast

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 4, '13, 6:20 pm

Chick-fil-A is offering a free breakfast to customers on Sept. 9-14 at some of it's participating restaurants, but you have to register to receive this free meal. Find out more about it and where to go online to register for it in the article below: ... /33842.htm

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Re: Chick-fil-A free breakfast

Postby S4Blade » Thu Sep 5, '13, 12:10 am

A free breakfast to get Chick-fil-a spam in your inbox for the rest of the time you use your email address? No thanks.
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Re: Chick-fil-A free breakfast

Postby R-90-2 » Thu Sep 5, '13, 11:41 pm

VistaBlade wrote:A free breakfast to get Chick-fil-a spam in your inbox for the rest of the time you use your email address? No thanks.

Well, that's why you use a spam-trap address. :)
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