Check out what I got at my local bookstore

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Check out what I got at my local bookstore

Postby Celeith » Sun Jan 9, '11, 1:13 am

Check it out ^_^
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Re: Check out what I got at my local bookstore

Postby Thoul » Sun Jan 9, '11, 1:42 am

Nice! I don't really know anything about Scott Pilgrim, so I'm more interested in the Zelda ones. How are they? Do they match up with the games pretty well?
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Re: Check out what I got at my local bookstore

Postby Celeith » Sun Jan 9, '11, 5:52 am

So far I've only started reading Link to the Past and its similar to the game but theres alot of aspects covered that weren't in the game, more characters, the past of Links parents, theres alot of interesting things that coulda been but weren't. I like em so far
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Re: Check out what I got at my local bookstore

Postby Thoul » Tue Jan 11, '11, 8:14 pm

Ooo, I like stuff that builds on the game world and adds more detail to the story. I was crazy for the LttP Player's Guide because it did that, too. The next time I go to a book store, I'll have to keep my eye open for this.
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Re: Check out what I got at my local bookstore

Postby Lucas » Tue Jan 11, '11, 10:50 pm

Zelda Manga awesome. I also own the “A Link to the Past” one I had to order it in from the US. But I managed to pick up both Oracle of Seasons and Ages Manga over here in Australia. Great Stuff Kaloes.

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