Chat Archive

Well, I still have to return them, I just have an easy way to buy my own copies over the summer.
Caged Wolf
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:41 pm
Sweet. Now you don't have to worry about returning them.
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:37 pm
Thanks. ^_^ I'm glad I got it, that way I can buy a few books I want for research purposes that I currently have on loan from the university library.
Caged Wolf
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:35 pm
I'm alright I guess. Congrats on the award.
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:33 pm
How are you?
Caged Wolf
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:33 pm
Ehh...okay. Just got out of class and picked up a 100 gift certificate I won for the history research award.
Caged Wolf
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:33 pm
How's it going?
Thu Apr 30, '09, 9:30 pm
That is. Wow!
Mon Apr 27, '09, 3:31 am
Wow that IS a lot of bots
Sun Apr 26, '09, 5:15 pm
Holy heck, there's a lot of bots browsing today.
Sat Apr 25, '09, 5:47 pm
I had a really long sleep and just woke up. I don't even recall when I went to sleep either.
Mon Apr 6, '09, 10:55 pm