Cereal premiums / promotions

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Cereal premiums / promotions

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 1, '09, 12:33 am

Over the years there have been some terrific premiums or promotions with various breakfast cereals. Many people buy the cereal just to get the premiums (toys, etc.) offered in them free in the box or by a mail-in offer of some type.

Many people collect these various toys or premiums too. Have you ever done a search on ebay for them???? I don't know what's there now, but there used to be zillions of these cereal premiums, toys, etc., to be found on sites such as ebay and others.

Anyone remember any favorite cereal premiums that you may have collected over the years?

And, as a heads up for you "Star Trek" fans, the box of Kelloggs Corn Flakes that we got from the store last week had an offer where you could get a shirt almost like the ones they wear in "Star Trek" (blue shirt for science, red for engineering, gold for Capt., etc.,). This is promoting the new "Star Trek" movie due out in theaters soon. Also another cereal (Kelloggs Sugar Frosted Flakes, I think) had a "Star Trek" ensignia thingy in the box, and I think it blinks or lights up or something. We got a box of each for the "Star Trek" stuff, but we can eat the cereal too. :wink:

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Re: Cereal premiums / promotions

Postby Thoul » Tue May 5, '09, 12:28 am

I used to get a few of them. I still have some little comic books that came in a few cereal boxes years and years ago. I don't follow that stuff very closely, but now and then I see something interesting in one.
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Re: Cereal premiums / promotions

Postby Lemina » Wed May 6, '09, 12:15 am

I used to love those things~ The only one that I really remember and still have is a Pikachu top. It still works!


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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