Jackson burial today

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Jackson burial today

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 3, '09, 5:28 pm

I think I heard on the news that Michael Jackson is going to be buried sometime today. He's being buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in California, I think it is, in one of the mauselum's.

I wonder why they didn't choose his ranch Neverland as his burial site. I heard his brother Jermaine said he thought Michael should be buried there, but I think the final say was up to Michael's parents, etc.

Supposed to be a lot of big name stars buried at the place where Jackson will be buried, including Clark Gable I think.
I suppose the security issue there will be a lot better than other places.

Oh well, may he finally rest in peace!!

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Re: Jackson burial today

Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 3, '09, 7:25 pm

Huh, that certainly took a while, didn't it? I thought they would have already buried him by now. I'm sure a place with a lot of celebrities like that would have really good security. Imagine the cost, though!
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