Catching a lizard

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Catching a lizard

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 24, '10, 7:30 pm

Have you ever tried to catch a lizard?

Why would anyone even want to catch one?

Perhaps because one day some rare lizards may hold the key to helping humans with various health related issues, etc., by use of their venom.

Here's a link where someone tries to catch a rare Lace Monitor lizard as it clims a tree: ... &gt1=42007

Personally, I don't like lizards very much, although I can tolerate the very small lizards we have running around everywhere in the yard outside our house. The bigger lizards, I want nothing to do with. :yaknow: A family member is very much attracted to them and would like nothing better than to have a big lizard for a pet. Ain't gonna happen. :shiftyeyes:

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Re: Catching a lizard

Postby H-Man » Tue Aug 24, '10, 8:18 pm

unrelated: my house is commonly visited by geckoes, whom I always greet with a peppy "Hey there, Mr. Gecko!". I think they like it.
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