Carmen Santiago

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Carmen Santiago

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 17, '16, 7:59 pm

Anyone here familiar with the old kids shows that featured stories in relation to "Where In The World Is Carmen Santiago"? There was even a popular song with the same title. I understand that there is also some video games related to the character, etc., and some other things out there as well.

Anyway, I happened to see this article online this morning where someone tracks down the real, original person to first play Carmen Santiago, and thought others here might be interested in reading it also. Seems they never mentioned her in the credits as playing the role of Carmen to help keep the character more mysterious, or something like that. Anyway, I hope some of you may enjoy this. Sure brings back a lot of memories. I loved that song. ... cid=AARDHP ... 722ebc73ca

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