Human milk in ice cream ?

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Human milk in ice cream ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 25, '08, 8:26 pm

So, what do you think of this idea?

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Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu Sep 25, '08, 10:08 pm


I support PETA on a wide range of issues, but as far as I know, Ben and Jerry's makes organic soy ice cream, so that should suffice. :)
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Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 25, '08, 10:52 pm

:hmm: I can tell if PETA was joking or serious. I'm afraid to ask, too. :covereyes:

[Edit: can't tell, I meant :duh: ]
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Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu Sep 25, '08, 10:57 pm

Thoul wrote::hmm: I can tell if PETA was joking or serious. I'm afraid to ask, too. :covereyes:

Well, it is pretty insane of a suggestion, so it can be hard to take seriously. :D
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 25, '08, 11:14 pm

I dunno, I think PETA was absolutely serious on this one. :roll:

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Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 26, '08, 12:58 am

Well, looking at it seriously for a moment, I doubt any company selling in the US would go for human milk. I imagine the FDA would get involved and any such transfer would probably take years to happen. Going to soy or some other existing substitute would likely be more cost effective, if they don't already use such.
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Postby Rune_Walsh » Fri Sep 26, '08, 1:37 am

Thoul wrote:Well, looking at it seriously for a moment, I doubt any company selling in the US would go for human milk. I imagine the FDA would get involved and any such transfer would probably take years to happen. Going to soy or some other existing substitute would likely be more cost effective, if they don't already use such.

Exactly. Take diseases into consideration for one; AIDS and HIV can be transmitted via * milk, so why any company would take such a request seriously for merely this reason alone, is beyond me.

Soy milk is really delicious and animal-free, and Ben and Jerry's makes it (as well as organic soy milk). PETA just loses credibility when behaving this extreme.

(I say this as a vegetarian, as well as a PETA supporter.)
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Sat Oct 4, '08, 1:43 pm

On paper, this idea doesn't seem so bad. However, I will agree with Rune_Walsh that the risks of spreading disease and HIV are there. That, and I too think that PETA is going a little too far on this one. Go back to pushing for free-range animal farms, already! Britan needs it badly!
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