Have you ever been in a Food eating contest?

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Have you ever been in a Food eating contest?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jan 27, '08, 12:49 am

I've heard of pancake contests, and hotdog contests, and chili contests, and probably a few others where people try to eat the most they can of a certain food in a certain amount of time. So, has anyone here ever participated in one of these type contests, or know of anyone who has?

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Postby Tsunami » Sun Jan 27, '08, 2:16 am

EDIT: I misread the topic since I glanced at it. :lol: But no, I don't know of anyone who has been in one.
Last edited by Tsunami on Sun Jan 27, '08, 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Rudo » Sun Jan 27, '08, 3:45 am

No, I haven't! From the ones I've seen and heard of, it looks and sounds gross with everyone trying to stuff all that food in their mouths! :yuck:
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Jan 27, '08, 6:59 am

Ewww, its like, a getting fat contest. Who can stuff themselves most!
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Postby Thoul » Sun Jan 27, '08, 8:15 am

I've never been in one and I can't stand to watch most of them. It's kind of gross to see people stuffing themselves, like Rudo said. I still remember the woman who drank so much water that she died in one of those contests, too.
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Postby Tsunami » Mon Jan 28, '08, 1:04 am

Thoul wrote:I've never been in one and I can't stand to watch most of them. It's kind of gross to see people stuffing themselves, like Rudo said. I still remember the woman who drank so much water that she died in one of those contests, too.
Actually, they say that drinking too much water can kill you (I forget why exactly). There was something like that on the news some time ago. o_o

Scary stuff.
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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Jan 28, '08, 10:50 pm

Actually, they say that drinking too much water can kill you

Doesn't it have something to do with your system doesn't have enough salt in ratio(or whatever ya wanna say) with the water, and your cells get to big and sometimes explode?
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

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Postby Tsunami » Tue Jan 29, '08, 5:52 am

From Wikipedia...

Water intoxication (also known as hyperhydration or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain function that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits, ironically by that which makes up the majority of it - water.[1] Normal, healthy (both physically and nutritionally) individuals have little to worry about accidentally overconsuming water. Nearly all deaths related to water intoxication in normal individuals have resulted either from water drinking contests, in which individuals attempt to consume more than ten litres over the course of just a few minutes, or long bouts of intensive exercise during which time electrolytes are not properly replenished, yet massive amounts of fluid are still consumed.

I am never good at explaining technical things such as this. :p
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Oct 13, '08, 9:53 pm

Thought I would post this here since it is related to Food eating contests. :)

Ugh, can you believe eating 45 slices of pizza in just 10 minutes???? :o


I don't think I have ever eaten more than 3 slices of pizza at one time. How about you????

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Postby Celeith » Tue Oct 14, '08, 4:08 pm

I ate about 18 slices of pizza once but that was because I hadn't eaten in about 6 weeks.
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