Can you whistle?

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Can you whistle?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 29, '09, 8:05 pm

Whether or not you can sing, many people I know can whistle a tune or some parts of a tune. How about you - can you whistle a tune, or maybe part of a tune?

Can you whistle at all?

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Postby Darkil » Thu Jan 29, '09, 8:16 pm

Yes, yes I can!
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Postby Srijita » Thu Jan 29, '09, 8:43 pm

[face=Times New Roman]In a word, no. :oops: [/face]
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Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Jan 30, '09, 12:59 am

Yes I can. However, I cannot snap my fingers. :p
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Postby Thoul » Fri Jan 30, '09, 1:44 am

Nope, I can't do it at all.
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Postby Lemina » Fri Jan 30, '09, 3:00 am

Not at all. I make this high pitched "ttthhhh" sound instead. XD


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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Postby Lucas » Fri Jan 30, '09, 10:21 am

Yes I can whistle quite well actually. :yes:

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Postby DrkTr14ce » Fri Jan 30, '09, 6:18 pm

Like Caged Wolf, I can't snap my fingers. But I can whistle rather well, if I do say so myself. Heck, I've managed to whistle songs beyond the realms of the NES. My main example is a bit of music from Level 5's games. (Dark Cloud series, Rouge Galaxy.)
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Postby pitohui » Sat Jan 31, '09, 11:23 am

I whistle when I'm alone -- or think I'm alone. A roommate walked in on me whistliing and it was a bit awkward.

I've noticed if you start to whistle around other people that they start whistling as well. Is this one of those social codes I'm unaware about? Are they doing it on purpose to get me to stop? Or is it just a natural, subconscious response? It happens nearly every time.
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Sun Feb 1, '09, 7:09 pm

I know how you feel. I tend to only whistle when I think I'm alone. Or I'm vacuming, so no one else can hear. XD

And to answer your question...uh...I think it's like how people tend to "copy" one another when one person yawns. One of those unconscious reactions, I suppose.
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