Butterfly mutations

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Butterfly mutations

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 15, '12, 11:36 am

The resulting effects of a nuclear accident on some butterflies:

http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012 ... flies?lite

This is really sad. :(

Although, what is much sadder is to think if it can do this to butterflies, what can this type of accident do to the rest of mankind and plants and animals. :blank:

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Re: Butterfly mutations

Postby Thoul » Wed Aug 15, '12, 5:58 pm

That accident is going to have a huge impact on the region for many, many years to come. There's no telling what kind of damage it has done to the entire eco-system of the area. Scientists will undoubtedly be finding more terrible outcomes like this for a long time. I just hope the results remain limited to that small area, and aren't spread to other regions by surviving animals.
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