Girl only eats McNuggets

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Girl only eats McNuggets

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jan 31, '12, 2:53 am

Saw a rather baffling story about a 17 year old girl who collapsed and it was found that she has eaten hardly nothing but McNuggets for 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... 6255842932

This is almost unbelievable to think that she hasn't eaten fruit or vegetables or some kind of bread, etc. So many foods she is missing out on. I hope for her sake and her health that she can be convinced to eat a more balanced food intake.

And, I know some may try to blame McDonald's or the other places she is getting the chicken nuggets from, but I personally believe it is not their fault or responsibility. IMHO, either she or her parents were the ones responsible in this case for making sure she ate a balanced diet, etc.

Anyone agree, or disagree??

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Re: Girl only eats McNuggets

Postby Thoul » Tue Jan 31, '12, 9:04 pm

It is a difficult story to believe. Oh, I can accept the statement that the young woman eats too much junk food. But the idea that she has consumed only McNuggets is implausible. No ice cream? Not even the occasional piece of fruit? Or a hamburger from the same restaurants? Yeah, I can't see that as credible. Maybe this is a case of some form of addiction, but claims of eating this one food to the exclusion of all else for such a long period of time strikes me as a hoax.

I agree that the responsibility for her condition lies with her and at least to some extent, her parents. McDonald's can't police what someone eats across their entire lifespan. Their food is not intended to be the sole component of any diet. As the girl got older more of the responsibility fell on her, but what were her parents thinking when she was three or five years old?
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