Burger King angers Mexico

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Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 15, '09, 12:59 am

Mexico seems to be a tad angry at Burger King:

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id ... _article=1

Ouch! :footinmouth: :burp:

I like that last part about the Taco Bell Chihuahua (sp?), lol, anyone remember him?

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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Thoul » Wed Apr 15, '09, 5:23 am

I always wondered why they stopped using that dog. This explains it a little. IMO, Mexico is being a little too sensitive on these things.
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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby LordShibas » Thu Apr 16, '09, 12:59 pm

Oh man, stop your crying Mexico. Next they will be giving Sega crap for having El Blaze, the Luchadore in Virtua Fighter 5.
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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Darkil » Thu Apr 16, '09, 3:28 pm

I can understand for the pride of the flag but people really need to develop thick skin. Nowadays people cry over the smallest thing....I guess everyone took Toys R Us's "I don't wanna grow up" song to heart. Babies.....
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Apr 16, '09, 3:55 pm

Oversensitivity, perhaps? Pride in the flag I can understand, but the guy wasn't even really desecrating it. And even that, tasteless an act as it is, is free speech.

I can't wait for the day (that will never come) when we can all poke fun at each other in little ways without offending someone.
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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 20, '09, 7:48 pm

Darkil wrote:I can understand for the pride of the flag but people really need to develop thick skin. Nowadays people cry over the smallest thing....I guess everyone took Toys R Us's "I don't wanna grow up" song to heart. Babies.....

Good point, Darkil. LOL. :)

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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 20, '09, 7:49 pm

Caged Wolf wrote:I can't wait for the day (that will never come) when we can all poke fun at each other in little ways without offending someone.

Another thing we can agree on, Caged Wolf! :)

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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 20, '09, 7:53 pm

Well, has anyone heard the latest controversy regarding Burger King and their new commercial that seems to have some parents angry, or something like that?

I saw the commercial last night on Tv and although I couldn't hear much of it at the time, about the only other thing I saw that might make some parents mad were some young girls in the commercial who were shaking their booty (turned towards the camera) quite a lot. I don't know. This commercial also features the Burger King mascot. I can't help it, but that big fake head of his just gives me the creeps all on it's own. I used to really like all the previous Burger King characters, but this one - no way! :yikes:

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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Apr 21, '09, 4:12 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote: I saw the commercial last night on Tv and although I couldn't hear much of it at the time, about the only other thing I saw that might make some parents mad were some young girls in the commercial who were shaking their booty (turned towards the camera) quite a lot.

I've seen this commercial. The only thing with it is this...I've only ever seen it being aired after 10 PM, and that's the time that the FCC has looser rules regarding obscenity and innuendo and such on television. Reason it's 10 PM is because at that time, most little kids are probably in bed. Now, maybe it does air during the day, but I've never seen it. Regardless...there's WAY worse things kids can watch than this commercial and if this commercial does air only at night, then it's allowed whether parents like it or not.

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:This commercial also features the Burger King mascot. I can't help it, but that big fake head of his just gives me the creeps all on it's own.

Two things in this topic we can agree on! :wink:
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Re: Burger King angers Mexico

Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 21, '09, 6:52 pm

I saw that commercial last night. The odd thing is, it seems to be promoting the latest kids' toys Burger King is offering. Airing it when kids are already in bed wouldn't make for very effective marketing.
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