Britany Spears sister pregnant

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Britany Spears sister pregnant

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 20, '07, 7:50 pm

The news reports are all saying that Britany Spears younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, who is only 16 years old, is pregnant by her boyfriend. He is 18, I think they said.

Wow, that is quite young for someone to have a baby, especially in these days and times of "The Pill", and other protection means. I don't know much about her, but saw that she is a "star" in her own right on a hit tv show for younger kids - teens, sort of.

I wish her, the father, and the baby all the best. They are gonna need it!

Seriously, though, what kind of example or role model for other teens do you think this is, or is not? Do you think she will, or should be, fired from her hit tv show because of this?

Comments or Opinions??

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Postby Neithird » Thu Dec 20, '07, 8:41 pm

That will be the end of her TV show. I think it is a Nick show, so it would be aimed at younger kids. Promoting this kind of thing would be bad for Nick's image.
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Postby Tsunami » Fri Dec 21, '07, 10:50 am

I heard the guy was 19. Anyways, I also heard that Nickelodeon isn't going to be firing her at all, and they're "concerned about her well-being."

One way it's been worded is that she's keeping the baby. In my opinion, it's great that she's stepping up and taking responsibility rather than aborting it. I've seen things talking about her being a role-model and all for girls, but I think that, if anything, this sort of goes to show that she's not entirely bad. I think the thing that bothers me the most about these so-called "role models" is how they try to portray some spotless self-image, when in reality, they're not all that great.

You know what the irony is? Their mother wrote a parenting book and look at how they turned out -- hah! Or should I be saying, Oops? ;)
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Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 21, '07, 9:16 pm

I wonder if there is any possibility of charges being filed against the guy? 16 is pretty young; if this was caused by activities before she turned 16, then she might have been a minor at the time (as far as statutory rape laws go).

I'm surprised to here Nick is going to keep her on; that's rather forward thinking of them. Most companies would bail out on someone that got themselves into this situation and end the person's career in the process.

You know what the irony is? Their mother wrote a parenting book and look at how they turned out -- hah! Or should I be saying, Oops? ;)

:rofl: Every parent should buy that book, just to have a guide of what to not do when raising their kids.

I heard that their mother has also already pre-sold the first baby pictures of the new kid for a million dollars. Somebody is definitely in the exploiting business in that family. :greedy:
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Dec 22, '07, 12:32 am

Thoul wrote::rofl: Every parent should buy that book, just to have a guide of what to not do when raising their kids.

I heard that their mother has also already pre-sold the first baby pictures of the new kid for a million dollars. Somebody is definitely in the exploiting business in that family. :greedy:
That came to mind when I heard about it, too. Kinda sad, using her kids as a means of making quick cash. Certainly the type of woman who I'd want take parenting advice from, huh? :lol:
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Postby Rudo » Sat Dec 22, '07, 2:01 am

Pitiful, just plain pitiful. :grumpy:
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Dec 23, '07, 8:32 am

My parents were talking bout this today, said something about them being friends for more than 2 years now. My aunt said a girl who wants a close friend that long is looking to be pregnant.
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Postby Neithird » Sun Dec 23, '07, 2:18 pm

That's silly. Girls can have friends for any number of reasons.

One way it's been worded is that she's keeping the baby. In my opinion, it's great that she's stepping up and taking responsibility rather than aborting it. I've seen things talking about her being a role-model and all for girls, but I think that, if anything, this sort of goes to show that she's not entirely bad.

I just hope she doesn't inspire other girls to go out and do this sort of thing on purpose when they aren't prepared for it. As a role model, it is good that she is taking responsibility, but getting pregnant at such an early age is a bad example of a role model too. It's a mixed bag there.
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Dec 27, '07, 10:05 am

Neithird wrote:I just hope she doesn't inspire other girls to go out and do this sort of thing on purpose when they aren't prepared for it. As a role model, it is good that she is taking responsibility, but getting pregnant at such an early age is a bad example of a role model too. It's a mixed bag there.
Aye, I agree with ya on that. But there's always been silly girls who're like, "I wanna have a baby!" When this is the case, it's sad...mostly because the said girl isn't responsible enough to care for the kid, herself, and then her parents end up caring for it.
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