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 Post subject: Branson in space flight
PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, '21, 8:06 pm 
Richard Branson, billionaire and the founder of the Virgin Group aka Virgin Galactic spacecraft lifted off into space and returned safely in a historic flight: ... new-mexico ... pace-shot/

This will help pave the way to possible citizen space flights in the future hopefully.

Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Sun Jul 11, '21, 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, '21, 12:23 pm 
SS, what's your take on these disgustingly rich folks wanting and going into space?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, '21, 6:31 am 
Darkil wrote:SS, what's your take on these disgustingly rich folks wanting and going into space?

I think it is his money and he can do with it as he pleases. If he wants to go into space and is willing to take the risks and can provide the way to do it, then fine. He should not expect others to do something that he is not willing to do himself. I can understand what a challenge this probably is for Branson and others and why they enjoy a challenge.

In my opinion, the money could be spent better on other things (such as helping to feed the needy, providing shelter for the homeless, and medical care, etc., etc., etc. Even though the USA is a wonderful place, there are too many homeless people who have no where to call home, and too many people that do not have enough to eat, and too many people who cannot afford medical care, etc. Money could make all the difference in so many lives. It is not just in the USA either but in many countries around the world.

Yes space travel is very important but so are the lives of the suffering here on Earth now.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, '21, 1:31 pm 
Silver_Surfer1 wrote:
Darkil wrote:SS, what's your take on these disgustingly rich folks wanting and going into space?

I think it is his money and he can do with it as he pleases. If he wants to go into space and is willing to take the risks and can provide the way to do it, then fine. He should not expect others to do something that he is not willing to do himself. I can understand what a challenge this probably is for Branson and others and why they enjoy a challenge.

In my opinion, the money could be spent better on other things (such as helping to feed the needy, providing shelter for the homeless, and medical care, etc., etc., etc. Even though the USA is a wonderful place, there are too many homeless people who have no where to call home, and too many people that do not have enough to eat, and too many people who cannot afford medical care, etc. Money could make all the difference in so many lives. It is not just in the USA either but in many countries around the world.

Yes space travel is very important but so are the lives of the suffering here on Earth now.


Well said I couldn't agree more! Thank you very much for sharing your honest thoughts here :)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, '21, 11:54 am 
Congratulations to him ! But true that lot of money for that....

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, '22, 6:22 pm 
Virgin Galactic selling tickets for space flights for thousands of dollars: ... posit.html

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, '22, 12:06 pm 
Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Virgin Galactic selling tickets for space flights for thousands of dollars: ... posit.html
I can't afford it ! :o

PostPosted: Wed Apr 5, '23, 4:48 pm 
Sadly, Virgin Orbit has filed for bankruptcy: ... 598172002/

PostPosted: Wed Apr 5, '23, 4:53 pm 
bankruptcy ? So sad news ! :( :cry:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, '23, 12:25 am 
First flight with some tourists to space: ... 1a43777dd2

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