Bottled Water

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Bottled Water

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 7, '11, 2:34 am

Ever wonder how your favorite brand of bottled water rates against all the other brands???

Well, here's an article on the best and worst bottled waters, etc. ... s-2436818/

Very interesting article. I have been drinking a lot more bottled water during this winter and my brand didn't do as well in the ratings here as I would have hoped. Maybe I'm going to switch brands now.

Do you drink bottled water, and if so, how did your brand do on this ratings test?

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Re: Bottled Water

Postby Thoul » Fri Jan 7, '11, 3:42 am

Hm, I'm beginning to think it might be better to skip bottled water and go with filtered tap water. It seems like most of the bottled water brands were rated rather poorly on that list.
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