Boston bombing tragedy

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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 15, '14, 8:47 pm

Touching memories Wolf Bird. Sorry this happened so close to you. But it is uplifting how the people have come together during this tragedy. I just caught a bit of a ceremony awhile ago with vice president Joe Bidden at the site where this tragedy happened. Awesome feeling to see them unroll and raise the flag there. Feeling so humble and proud of our Country right at that moment. Also read that the Marathon this year is expected to be a much bigger turn out. Prayers with everyone there.

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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Bragatyr » Wed Apr 16, '14, 12:56 am

Biden's speech was very good from what I saw, very emotional, he gives genuinely good and heartfelt deliveries at events like this.
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Apr 16, '14, 2:51 am

Tom Ashbrook did a show about the Boston bombing today for the first hour of his broadcast, and what it means to terrorism and violence. ... -terrorism

Love his show, I really do. This one is worth listening to, I listened to it earlier today. I also had an e-mail from the president of Harvard about memorial services and caught some of Biden's speech as well on the radio. The memorials that had been put up after the bombing are back up, and will stay there until the marathon next week. It definitely sounds like security is being ramped up this year.
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Jan 5, '15, 5:52 pm

The trial of the surviving bombing suspect starts today in Boston. The jury is being selected.
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Apr 8, '15, 7:41 pm

The jury is in. Tsarnaev is guilty on all 30 charges against him. ... al-verdict
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Apr 9, '15, 1:31 am

Glad that part of the trial is over with and I know the victims and victims families must be somewhat relieved also. The verdict is not that much of a surprise, atleast to me, and probably many others. I read the sentencing phase may start next with deciding whether he will spend life in prison or get the death penalty. Either way, he will probably still have many years left to live as these things can take years and years to finally finish up, if even then. Part of me feels a little sorry for him having to go through this alone without his brother as the brother may have been the leader, from what I have heard, and the brother is dead and will not suffer any punishment for his supposed crimes atleast here on this earth. He seems to have participated freely of his own will though so that speaks enough. However, there is much more sympathy and feeling for all the victims in this than anything else.

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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Apr 9, '15, 1:53 pm

I think the verdict was basically a foregone conclusion. Now the question is whether he'll get the death penalty or not, and as he was charged federally (MA has banned capital punishment), 17 of his 30 convictions may carry that penalty. I'm actually seeing a lot of speculation he won't get sentenced to death.
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Snorb » Thu Apr 9, '15, 6:16 pm

Even if he isn't sentenced to death (life w/out parole seems much more likely to me) there's a very good chance that somebody's going to kill him in prison.
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri May 15, '15, 8:50 pm

Tsarneav has been sentenced to death. ... tory.html#
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Re: Boston bombing tragedy

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 15, '15, 11:41 pm

Interesting article. Thanks WB. Not a very surprising verdict though as it is what I expected. It will be surprising to see if this sentence is ever actually carried out though. The death penalty is still being carried out in some places but not as often as it used to be, and even then with various protests, etc., in some places. With all the appeals and everything else that will be done to try and halt it this will still probably take years to be carried out even if it does happen eventually. He will probably be much older by then. If he makes it through all this, that is. Hard to say about this as many people are for the death penalty but many are also against it and who knows what may change in the next few years.

It will be interesting to see if he decides to address the court later and what he may or may not say.

I have to say though that I am so sick and tired of everyone trying to play the "I had a poor childhood and that made me do bad things" routine though. In some cases it may be so, however, there are so many other cases where people had a horrific childhood and they did not resort to violence of some type or worse. If it is the only defense they have though I guess they will try and use it.

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