Superman single

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Superman single

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 19, '11, 4:46 pm

In a new Superman comic out soon, the superhero will be facing a lot of new changes. ... unch_n.htm

For one, he will be single (time period is before he and Lois ever married).

And two, he will have a new outfit in wearing a shirt and jeans.

Also, his eartly parents, The Kents, are now deceased.

How do you think these changes in Superman and Superman's history will go over with the fans? Do you like the changes?

It is always amazing to me the many different ways they try to "redo" all these superheroes.
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Tue Jul 19, '11, 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Superman single

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 19, '11, 10:05 pm

Essentially, this is a regression of the character to the same state as his original 1938 stories, but with pants instead of a circus outfit. Throwing out 70+ years of comics is not sitting well with most of the comic fans I've seen talking about it. Some people are looking forward to it, but that group seems less vocal so far.

I'm not looking forward to the changes myself. It might go well, but for all intents and purposes the Superman family of characters that's been in publication for the last 25 years will no longer exist. The new stuff is going to have to prove itself before I'll be interested in purchasing it.
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