New River City game by Arcsys and WayForward

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New River City game by Arcsys and WayForward

Postby R-90-2 » Mon Jul 8, '19, 10:14 pm

So, WayForward (Shantae, Mighty Switch Force, Double Dragon Neon) has teamed up with Arcsys (Guilty Gear, BlazBlue) to publish their own entry in the River City franchise. Because we are always short on good beat 'em ups.

Now, I'm going to spare you the long form of the history lesson here (unless anyone wants to hear it) but the reason I'm excited over this aside from the fact that it involves two top-notch developers is that this isn't the first time that Misako and Kyoko have done a turn as playable beat 'em up protagonists in this franchise.
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Re: New River City game by Arcsys and WayForward

Postby myau56 » Tue Jul 9, '19, 11:05 am

Ah ! A fight in an arcade center ! :) The game seems to be great ! Stay tuned.
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