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Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 18, '08, 7:24 am

Do you have bookshelves? What kind do you prefer, large tall ones or more easily managed small ones? Wide or skinny? What do you keep on them, other than books?

I like medium sized ones mostly. I have one that's tall, with a lot of space between the shelves, but it doesn't really have enough shelves. All of my medium sized ones are actually homemade and more sturdy than the store bought one.

I keep CDs, DVDs, games, VHS tapes, and figurines on them. Plus lots of miscellaneous stuff on that I don't really have any other place for, too.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Dec 18, '08, 9:47 am

I have a tall one which contains alot of gaming stuff on it (about 70-90 games for 4 systems), a few collectors cups, and misc stuff I don't want on the floor. Then I also have a smaller one which I built myself which contains most of the books from Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series.
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Re: Bookshelves

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 18, '08, 6:02 pm

Thoul wrote:Do you have bookshelves? What kind do you prefer, large tall ones or more easily managed small ones? Wide or skinny? What do you keep on them, other than books?

Yeah, I've got a few. I have everything under the sun on them - dolls, books, all kinds of junk, etc. :)

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 18, '08, 6:04 pm

Trenzer wrote:I have a tall one which contains alot of gaming stuff on it (about 70-90 games for 4 systems), a few collectors cups, and misc stuff I don't want on the floor.

Trenzer, what kind of collectors cups do you have, or collect? I have a few of those myself. :)

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Postby Atlinsmere » Fri Dec 19, '08, 5:17 am

I have a few Star Wars one. A Batman one. And also I found a Phantasy Star one in a Pawn shop which is now collecting dust on my bookshelf.
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Re: Bookshelves

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Sun Jun 21, '09, 6:30 am

I just like bookshelves that look nice. Mostly the rectangle ones that come in black. Mine normally stash my books, mags, and comics, but they also store stuff I can't find a place for like cd cases, discmans, collectables and anything else I just decide to put up there.
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Re: Bookshelves

Postby Tweeg » Mon Jun 22, '09, 2:29 am

Only have one in my room, and it's a built in unit. Solid wood, wide, very sturdy. Only have books, magazines, and Sega CD/Genesis/Saturn/Dreamcast games on it. Seriously considering boxing the Genesis games to make room for more books and magazines though, as there are now a couple of stacks of those with no definitive place to keep them at.
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