
Converse about your favorite literature and reading in this study.


Postby Neithird » Fri Mar 30, '07, 1:56 pm

I enjoy sitting down in the evening in a cozy chair with a good book and letting my imagination take me away. What about you, do you like to read? If you do, what kind of books do you enjoy?

For the most part, I only read fantasy novels. My favorite authors are Terry Brooks, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Marget Weis. I haven't read any of Tolkien's stuff other than Lord of the Rings, but I enjoyed that. It's been a while since I had a chance to read anything new by Weis. I also have a few books by Laura Resnick that I've enjoyed or plan to read, hopefully soon.
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Re: Books

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Mar 30, '07, 9:03 pm

I used to love reading books, but haven't read any in quite awhile. My eyes don't see the small print as good as they used to. I like different types of books - romance, historical, biographies, some fiction, some self-help books, etc. Really depends a lot on the book and author.

Some of my favorite authors are Eugenia Price, Laura Ingalls Wilder (The Little House series of books), and Jean Auel.

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Re: Books

Postby Zafneir » Sat Mar 31, '07, 7:12 am

Not as big a reader as I should be. I got started on The Running Man a while back, and it's been quite some time. Very good book, I just haven't focused myself on reading the rest of it.

Books that I enjoyed reading were Philip K.'s "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," Thomas Harris's "Red Dragon," and Tom Clancy's "Hunt for Red October." One day I plan on sitting down and focusing myself on reading Dune.

As far as genres go, I tend to enjoy cook books the most. :D History books, sci-fi, and fantasy are also enjoyable.
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Re: Books

Postby Thoul » Sat Mar 31, '07, 9:09 pm

It's about the same for me... I used to read a lot, but lately not very much. I think I only read one book last year. I have I bought a year or two ago and haven't gotten around to yet.

I mostly go for fantasy, sometimes sci-fi. Occasionally I'll read a programming book. I keep a few of those around for reference. I enjoyed Terry Brook's early books. The more recent ones, not so much.

I got started on The Running Man a while back, and it's been quite some time.

Hm, is that related to the movie of the same name?
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Re: Books

Postby Zafneir » Sat Mar 31, '07, 9:46 pm

The movie is very loosely based upon the book.

It uses the same basic concept and the protagonist has the same name in both the book and the film, beyond that, there's little in common between the book and the film. The book is really good, though, it's just I can't seem to focus on reading.
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Re: Books

Postby Thoul » Sat Mar 31, '07, 10:30 pm

Ah, it's one of those that takes some liberties with the story, then. I'll have to look for it the next time I'm in the local library. I didn't know there was book that the film was based on.
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Re: Books

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Apr 8, '07, 9:48 am

Anyone here familiar with the Harry Potter books? I haven't read any of them, but I hear they are quite popular and sell extremely well, and there are usually always the movies that come from them too. Do you think we've really seen and heard the last of the Potter series?

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Re: Books

Postby Neithird » Mon Apr 9, '07, 5:36 pm

I haven't read any of the books, but I've seen some of the movies on TV. They're pretty good... I wouldn't call them great, but I don't mind watching them now and then. I'm sure they will make a few more movies, even though the actors may be outgrowing the parts.
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Re: Books

Postby Thoul » Wed May 23, '07, 5:38 am

Has anyone heard about the new Tolkien book? I saw a commercial for it the other night. Apparently it's something he started and his son finished, but it has just been published for the first time from what I gathered.
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Re: Books

Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Jun 10, '07, 1:14 am

I really enjoy Agatha Christie's novels. They're a great logic exercise. So many mystery novelists think that a good mystery means making one mention in a sentence of something irrelevant and then that person is the killer. Agatha shows you everyone and gives you all the necessary information to figure it out yourself throughout the entire book!

But Ayn Rand is my absolute favorite, both fiction and non-fiction. Reading her was the smartest thing I ever did.
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