Blade Runner

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Blade Runner

Postby pitohui » Mon Jan 12, '09, 6:59 pm

My girlfriend and I watched Blade Runner tonight, and I really applaud her for being able to follow most of it on one viewing without first having read the book (lord knows I couldn't). But our viewing was peppered with my own nerd commentary on the matter, so that might've helped. She's not usually into sci-fi, so I'm quite glad she enjoyed it.

As much as I love the film, there are just so many cool bits that Scott omitted that really should have been there. The whole Mercerism/Isidore thread would've been too clunky to do on film, so I don't miss it. But the bit from the book where Deckard is taken to the android police station on the other side of SF (and the whole character of Phil Resch) should have at least been filmed. Even if they were too lengthy for the theatrical cut, they would've been awesome to see in a more complete cut. They were the most tense and engrossing parts of the book for me.

If you've read the book, what are your thoughts on the movie? What's your favorite cut? I'm partial to the 1982 international theatrical cut. Ford's narration is just cheesy enough to achieve a sensible balance (and evidently he was so opposed to recording a narration that he intentionally did it as cheesy as possible).
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Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Jan 12, '09, 7:16 pm

I haven't read the book, but I have seen this movie. In fact, I first saw it last spring because one of my professors showed it in class. I think it was the theatrical cut, but I can't remember for sure. It was a class on writing for the social sciences, so after we watched the movie, we did a lot of analysis on all the political and social themes in the movie. It was a good movie, overall, and I did enjoy working with it in class. I always respect professors who incorporate film in their classes.
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Postby newsblade » Mon Jan 12, '09, 7:55 pm

My favourite is the final cut because it doesen't include that car driving ending
(and also because it removes some inconsistencies).
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Postby pitohui » Mon Jan 12, '09, 8:05 pm

Yeah, that ending! That's the one thing I don't like about the theatrical cuts. I watched the Director's Cut first, and only saw the theatrical cuts recently. Thought it was a weird step backwards.
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Postby Darkil » Mon Jan 12, '09, 8:05 pm

I've seen the movie only once and that was about 3 or 4 years ago. I absolutely loved it but the girl I was with hated it, lol. I felt it was a great piece of film and I hope to buy it on DVD soon.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jan 13, '09, 12:13 am

I haven't read the book. Have seen the movie, and although it is not one of my very favorite movies, from what I recall it was pretty good. They used to show it on tv all the time. Haven't seen it in awhile though.

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Postby Snorb » Tue Jan 13, '09, 3:14 am

I've only seen the Director's Cut, but thought about getting the Final Cut. (Not the Complete Collection, as much fun as having all five versions and the Making Of movie would be =p)

Interesting thing about the movie is that Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott disagree on an aspect of Deckard's character: Ford says that Deckard was a normal human, and played him as such while Scott says that Deckard is a replicant.

Supporting Ford: He gets physically overpowered by Roy and Pris during their fights, and he's referred to as "Deckard" and not "Rick"- the replicants are identified by their first names: Rachael, Zhora, Pris, Roy, and Leon.

Supporting Scott: The unicorn dream, and the holofoil unicorn Gaff (Edward James Olmos) leaves behind in Deckard's apartment, suggesting they share the same memories- replicant memories are derived from normal humans' memories. Also, each identified replicant has a red shimmer in their eyes at one point or another in the movie. Deckard has a similar red shimmer also, when talking to Rachael at one point.

Snorb's crazed theory: Gaff is the replicant, not Deckard. XD

Oh, and the "Tears in the rain" speech at the end is 100% awesome.
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