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PostPosted: Sat Oct 4, '14, 12:53 am 
This isn't PS fan art, so I didn't do an official gallery picture, but I had so much fun with this plushie, I had to share!

Years ago, Tanith and I had tossed around the idea of doing a reversible Lyle/dragon plushie, but it never happened. I revisited the idea this week, but decided to do Flemeth from the Dragon Age series. (Her appearances here are based specifically on the DA2 prologue.)

Sorry for the huge pictures, but you know you want to analyze all my teensy little stitches. ;)

Lastly, a video I made of Flemeth in action:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 4, '14, 4:34 am 
That is too awesome and too cute, augmentedfourth! I'm really glad you did the video, I'm silly and didn't realize just how the reversibility worked until I watched, that's amazing. You are really talented. Awesome work!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 4, '14, 5:53 am 
That's so awesome! Isn't the doll damaged by being trapped in the base? I hope not. This way you can have whichever suits you each day. Is she a dragon shapeshifter? Or are they different characters joined into one doll?

So this was going to be from PS III in the old planning stages, huh? Perhaps someday you will finish those plans. :yes:

And seeing the small purple dragon reminded me of Lockheed, from the X-Men, a small purple dragon who is Kitty Pryde's friend. He would be a very nice doll, as well.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 4, '14, 8:37 am 
Very cute, and I also enjoyed the video. Amazing with the reversibility there. Love that. Glad to see you are still doing these. Excellent!! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 5, '14, 1:39 am 
Thanks, guys! I really had a blast with this one!

Icecypher, it is the same character with multiple forms. Here's her first appearance in the second game:

Everything's made out of yarn and I made sure to keep things floppy, so nothing happens to either side when I flip it. I stuffed the bodies, but on the human side, I didn't use any stuffing in her arms and legs to make sure everything would fit inside easily. Also, if you compare it to some of my other plushies, you can see I used a different method for the hair - if I'd done individual strands, I was worried about them getting caught.

Lyle's still a possibility for the future. Or maybe Thea should turn into a dragon.... ;)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 5, '14, 5:26 am 
She is old! She looks so young and cute as a doll!

I read about the hair style on dA. It is good to be careful. You think of the future. :up:

If you were into Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, you could create Avan and dragon Avan.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 7, '14, 2:14 pm 
I love it, A4. This is probably my favorite artwork from you yet.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 7, '14, 11:48 pm 
Wolf Bird wrote:I love it, A4. This is probably my favorite artwork from you yet.

D'awww, thanks!

@Icecypher - I am not familiar with Dragon Quest, but anything that involves people turning into dragons is a win for me! ;)

Also, it is possssssssible that Flemeth might be immortal. Age is relative in that case.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 8, '14, 8:51 pm 
If I were immortal, I would like to look young.

Age may be relative, but looks aren't.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, '14, 1:40 am 
Icecypher wrote:If I were immortal, I would like to look young.

Age may be relative, but looks aren't.

I think she only looks old right now because she usually possesses of one of her daughters once they come of age, but her current next-in-line got away from her. Or at least that's what her daughter, Morrigan, says. But who knows. Witches lie a lot. ;)

Although, if I could shapeshift into a dragon at will, I don't know how much I'd really care about how I look in human form. I'd just toast anyone who made fun of me. :fiery: :mrgreen:

Augmentedfourth, I know I already gushed on facebook, but that is the cutest Flemeth ever and it makes me want to learn how to crochet!

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