Biggest McDonald's restaurant

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Biggest McDonald's restaurant

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 2, '12, 10:50 pm

Whoa, a new McD's restaurant built in London for the upcoming Olympics is so large it is half the size of a football stadium: ... -olympics/

They are going to sell a lot of burgers and fries at that place!!!

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Re: Biggest McDonald's restaurant

Postby Thoul » Thu May 3, '12, 2:50 am

Imagine how long the lines will get when they have only one register open. People are going to be so far backed up in that place... ;)

But seriously, I imagine staffing a McDonald's that large will be an adventure unto itself. The kitchen must be huge, not to mention what it would take to keep the place clean. I wonder if they'll have waiters to deliver food instead of having people wait in line all the time?
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