Best Title Screen

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Which Phantasy Star had the best title?

Phantasy Star
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Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III
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Phantasy Star IV
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Total votes : 4

Best Title Screen

Postby Tsunami » Tue Sep 25, '07, 3:00 pm

This poll came to mind...since the opening screens of a game usually leave some impression on me.

PSII won my vote. :) The two images of Mother Brain (that's who it looks like to me!) both watching over the three planets of Algo both harbor different expressions; the one on the right has a somewhat tranquil feeling to it, as opposed to the other side of Mother Brain, which has a more sinister look painted on her face. (Come to think of it, she was rather two-faced, wasn't she? :p)

She holds control over the planets' fate in her hands, and under her watchful eye there is little doubt in her ability and she is thought to never make mistakes...of course, it's easy to place faith in a super computer that turned Motavia into a lush, green planet and provided people with comfort and easier lives.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Sep 26, '07, 1:03 am

I also go with PSII. It was my first experience with Phantasy Star, and it blew away anything I'd seen graphically at the time. It really set the mood well. PSIV does too, but PSII was such a leap in technology from anything I'd ever seen, that PSII wins out for me.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 26, '07, 2:29 am

Would you believe that after all these years, it never occurred to me that those two women were supposed to be Mother Brain? :sweat:

My vote goes to PSIV. PSI is neat with floaty Alis. PSII... well, it's certainly impressive and symbolic. But, I like the opening poem and the scrolling down to Algo shown in the PSIV title the best.

The others, PSIII and Adventure and Gaiden, are all kind of blah. :irked: I guess it's understandable for Adventure and Gaiden, being portables, but I was always kind of disappointed in that big blue "PSIII."
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Sep 26, '07, 3:41 am

Thoul wrote:The others, PSIII and Adventure and Gaiden, are all kind of blah. :irked: I guess it's understandable for Adventure and Gaiden, being portables, but I was always kind of disappointed in that big blue "PSIII."

PSIII's title could've been nicer...but it has grown on me. :D It could be better, but I'm fine with how it is.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Sep 27, '07, 12:45 am

I didn't like PSIII's title much either. For that matter, I didn't like the name of the game either. Seeing the word "Doom" on the title was pretty malevolent, though they tried to offset it with a lovely cursive font! :p I didn't like the Roman columns for the III much either. It didn't fit in with the PS series, or the though medieval technology in III... Roman is ancient! It had a nice theme song though! The song was probably my favorite of all the various game's themes.

Thoul wrote:PSI is neat with floaty Alis.
:D Not bad for being so old!
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