Best Buy to stop selling DVD's

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Best Buy to stop selling DVD's

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Oct 15, '23, 6:47 pm

After this Christmas holiday season, Best Buy stores will stop selling DVD's / Blue Rays: ... 173846007/

What does everyone think of this?

Are DVD's going the same route as VHS/VCR's?

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Re: Best Buy to stop selling DVD's

Postby Tweeg » Fri May 3, '24, 10:30 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:What does everyone think of this?

Are DVD's going the same route as VHS/VCR's?

At some point yes. This was actually a delayed implementation mind. When I was still working at Best Buy in 2018 during one of the quarterly all-store meetings eliminating the home video department was on the company "Road Map" scheduled to happen in the 1st quarter of 2020. Best Buy delayed this due to C19 creating a resurgence in demand for home media though. And should be noted that Best Buy eliminating Home Audio and Video Media from their stores was not due to lack of sales, rather bewcause the company's transitional plans were to literally become the new K-Mart, where they own zero inventory but supply sales the staff. Why they ever believed this was a good idea to move towards I still don't know.
Last edited by Tweeg on Fri May 3, '24, 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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