Coffee plus what ?

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Coffee plus what ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jun 1, '15, 5:52 pm

Do you like to drink your coffee black?

Or do you put something else in your coffee when you drink it to make it taste better? If so, what do you put in your coffee?

Here are some unique ideas of coffee additives: ... 96132.html

As for me, when I drink coffee, I usually add a little sugar and some cream or just drink French Vanilla flavored coffee. I must admit that the coconut oil and the candy cane mentioned in the article sound enticing enough to try. Putting an egg in coffee sounds weird though.

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Re: Coffee plus what ?

Postby Tanith » Tue Jun 2, '15, 12:43 am

Just half & half and a teaspoon of sugar for me. I live for coffee, but I'm watching my calories right now, so I can't really get fancy. I haven't been able to drink black coffee since having children. No joke, the acidity KILLS me.

That was an interesting article. Coffee over ice cream is indeed delicious. Not sure about peanut butter, but I might try egg coffee, just to see what it's like.
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Re: Coffee plus what ?

Postby Zio_Falz » Tue Jun 2, '15, 4:41 am

Baileys. Amazing stuff.

or 2 sugars, 2 cremes or milks, in proportion to the coffee, to give the complexion of paper-bag, without going into more accurate descriptions based on racial or ethnic under or over-tones.
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Re: Coffee plus what ?

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Jun 2, '15, 4:52 am

Sometimes straight black, sometimes cream and sugar or honey. Depends on how strong a given cup of coffee is.
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Re: Coffee plus what ?

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Jun 2, '15, 6:03 pm

Usually milk with a little sugar. Sometimes when I'm out I'll treat myself to cream and a little more sugar. Really, though, it's hard for me to find a cup of coffee I don't get along with. 8)

And yes, a shot of Baileys makes for a very nice treat, but I haven't had that in a while.
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