Independence Day

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Independence Day

Postby Darkil » Mon Jun 29, '09, 1:57 pm

I searched through this forum and couldn't find a thread talking about this, unless I missed it, soooooo here's one. What will everyone be doing this 4th of July?

My wife and I will be having a BBQ with some friends of ours, who just recently had a baby boy. We haven't seen them since the baby was born about 3 weeks ago so it'll be nice to spend some time with them.
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Re: Independence Day

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Mon Jun 29, '09, 2:05 pm

Packing! I'd love it if my bf bbqed but the last time we bought a propane tank, someone went into our padio and let out all of the propane. I'm just glad we didn't go back there to cook with it until it was all gone. So the next time we grill will be in Nebraska.
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jul 2, '09, 3:29 am

Happy 4th of July to everyone! :usa:

I'm not sure just what we will be doing. Maybe just stay at home. It seems monotinous staying at home all the time, but this weather is just too hot to be outside in.

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Re: Independence Day

Postby Thoul » Sat Jul 4, '09, 1:46 pm

:usa: Happy Independence Day! :usa:

For my part, I plan to just rest and take it easy. It gets way too hot way too early here, so there's no outside stuff on the schedule for today.
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jul 4, '09, 2:55 pm

Well, there's a parade that passes pretty much in front of the house. So we watch that. There's fireworks in the evening, but I'm greatly uninterested. Otherwise, rest, relax, maybe take a bike ride, and do some packing to go to Boston next week.
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jul 4, '10, 5:31 am

Bumping this topic up for the year 2010.

Happy 4th of July and Independence Day everyone! :usa:

Anyone have any special plans to celebrate the 4th today, or are you just staying home and relaxing?

Enjoy the day! :)

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Thoul » Sun Jul 4, '10, 7:07 pm

Happy Independence Day, everyone!

No special plans here. I may look around for some fireworks tonight. Usually there's someone in the area who launches some every year.
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 2, '11, 11:03 pm

Bumping this up for 2011.

Happy 4th of July and Independence Day to all those in the USA! Most everyone I know has started celebrating early on this weekend before the actual day of the 4th which is Monday.

How are you celebrating the 4th of July this year??

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jul 2, '11, 11:30 pm

I hope that by Monday, my prescription meds will at least get the pain from the abscess under control, at least enough for me to take a good bike ride as the weather is supposed to be beautiful. But my hopes aren't high, especially if the pain is bad enough that I have to take the Vicodin (which is a narcotic pain reliever) to bring it tolerable levels. This is not what I wanted on Independence Day weekend. >_<
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Re: Independence Day

Postby Thoul » Sun Jul 3, '11, 2:12 am

I don't have any specific plans for the holiday, though I do want to watch ID4 now that MrKite has reminded me of it. Maybe I'll do that on Monday. And of course I have to come post more clues for the Flag Hunt. :lol:
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