Baseball Season begins

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Baseball Season begins

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Mar 31, '08, 3:03 pm

Well, it's about that time of year again when spring training has been under way and all the baseball fans are ready for the first pitch in baseball game opener games for their favorite home team. Anyone here a baseball fan, and if so, what's your favorite team? I like The St. Louis Cardinals, The Atlanta Braves, and a few other teams.

President Bush threw out the first pitch in a game opener for a Washington team, The Nationals, I think it was, carrying on a long time Presidential tradition: ... h_baseball

I found it interesting that Pres. Bush played baseball during his university years. He was also involved as part manager or owner or something like that of a baseball team several years ago. I also found it interesting that the article says that there were just about as many "boos" as there were cheers for the Pres. at the game. I have to say I think it is remarkable that Bush still seems to have his sense of humor, such as joking with The Atlanta Braves team, etc. That's cool.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
~ Founded April 01, 1997 ~


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