Does your pet sense your emotions

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Does your pet sense your emotions

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 17, '08, 3:50 am

Can your pet tell how you are feeling, and does your pet react to those emotions?

For example, can your pet tell if you are feeling sad or happy and how do they react to those feelings?

Do they try to comfort you when you are sad or lonely? Do they do silly things to make you smile or forget about yourself and how you are feeling at the moment and just love them, etc.?

Any other reactions?

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Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 17, '08, 8:00 pm

A bit. I don't get very sad around them that often, so they don't pick up on much from me. I'm pretty easy going on most things.
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Postby Celeith » Wed Dec 17, '08, 10:46 pm

My cat would usually come running in and jump on me when I was feeling sad and down. She would wrap her paws around my neck and just purr.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 18, '08, 12:36 am

My cat knows when something is wrong or something is bothering me. She gets as close as she can, and I can see a look of concern on her face. She also meows at me and does all she can to get close to me, even when I want to be left alone. She really makes me come out of my shell and feel a lot better sometimes by her actions.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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