BaNL DEMO released!

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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby vilkacis » Sun Sep 26, '10, 6:35 am

Atlinsmere wrote:I can answer that. That is part of the mountain, it just kind of got separated from everything else. It happens.

It looks brighter than the mountains, though - more like a part of the "shore".
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Sep 26, '10, 8:58 am

I can assure you that it is the mountain, trust me, I've had the same problem a few times when mapping for The New Dawn. I hate it because I'll randomly stop in the middle of the map while getting an in game look after correcting a mistake.
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby Cool_Spot » Sun Sep 26, '10, 11:57 am

Well this is just a demo version, and thus will be finalized.
I would like to clarify something - the music that plays during the rescue of people Terr just super. Picked up at 5! Well done.
As stated above, the rate of movement through the city much smaller than the regular map. Why so?
About the bio-plant: as for me, the use of electric oven on the floor and twisting moves like the PS2 is redundant. Well this is my subjective opinion. These dungeons are always evoke a sense of cold. And mind automatically gives us to perceive this as an underground dungeon from the PS2. And it's not right. As for me.
Good luck, waiting for adjustments.
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby Lyla2284 » Sun Sep 26, '10, 1:21 pm

I assure you everyone, I am doing my best to rectify these errors and glitches. It's isn't easy you know, especially to thoroughly beta-test a game that is 8.5 hours long, it does become a pain in the behind. I'm amazed I'm still busy with this after 22 months... I'm up to my neck in trying to get the game out asap, but now I find I can't rush anything. And this will only delay the Dezo Arc of the game even more.

I seriously want to change the entire storyline and get rid of both Rika and Chaz in my game. They serve no real purpose in this version. They're just... there. I don't care how many fans that annoying Numan has, but if I seriously look at the entire project, she has no real purpose in my game. She was only included in the original to serve as Chaz's pathetic love interest, when in actual case, she shouldn't have existed at all, what with the death of both Nei and Neifirst in PS2, thus eliminating their DNA completely. I'm going to sit down and really look at this from end to end. The game only becomes my own with the Dezo Arc.

But I am feeling rather dejected now, seeing how many errors the game truly has. And this is just an excuse to for others to poke fun of it.

That's just my rant for now.
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby vontrapp » Sun Sep 26, '10, 1:41 pm


I just want to say that no project of this size can go without some errors and please don't make the mistake of many big game companies of believing this should be ready "ASAP" it just leads to a terrible result.

I have been reading about this project for almost as many months as you have been posting about it on various forums and know how much love and time you have put in to it.

You have to remember that this IS "YOUR" game and any changes you want to put in whether you want to remove or add players is entirely up to you. We as players are just looking forward to enjoying the result. As to many of the problems being posted here such as the areas you should or should not be able to move are well known glitches in RMXP that can be worked around but happen in may large projects.

The next point is that all of this is why Beta Testing exists and having a dedicated group of testers who can give you the feedback you need to correct them. It is also why many places hold the feedback on a private locked from the public forum so that this info is not visible to the "Aggressive Individuals" that will bring you down about your project. I would also like to say that those who have nothing better to do that troll and flame about a Work in Progress is they need to stop throwing their toys out of the pram or prove they can do better under the same situation :)

Finally feel free to ask for any help you might need there are many of us that are willing to help without interfering with your original creation. We can help proof read, we can correct map errors if you are finding they workload too much. That is the advantage of a large company over the individual the ability to share the load. This you don't have and we don't expect you to kill yourself over it.

I for one am here if you have any questions on issues and you know I am happy to help :)
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby Cool_Spot » Sun Sep 26, '10, 1:41 pm

I understand and easy, so to speak, helping to show the faults and mistakes, because I know that the creator might not always notice it and something to lose. This is normal, absolutely. You did a great job, and even if the game will not be a success, so a rank she still takes. Do not worry.
I myself am engaged currently developing PS5, and I know what it is.Of course, personally I have, there are so many comments on the music to the game that I can tell you, if you are interested or cares. If not, anyway. Your right - this is your game)
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby vontrapp » Sun Sep 26, '10, 2:12 pm

Oh one thing I would like to add the "Forgotten Futuristic" font seems to be causing trouble for people I might suggest changing it for one of the more standard fonts.

I have noticed that particular font does seem to have some oddities about it too in the shop window certain letters seem to be of differing sizes to the rest :?

edit:- Where on Mota can I get a Teleport Stone ????????? :rofl: I seriously am lost in some of these places
Last edited by vontrapp on Sun Sep 26, '10, 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby Solar » Sun Sep 26, '10, 8:06 pm

You can buy Teleport stones in the Aiedo Guild shop. Also in Termi item shop, IIRC.
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby vontrapp » Sun Sep 26, '10, 8:10 pm

Cool thanks
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Re: BaNL DEMO released!

Postby vilkacis » Mon Sep 27, '10, 12:58 am

Lyla2284 wrote:It's isn't easy you know, especially to thoroughly beta-test a game that is 8.5 hours long

Which is exactly why beta testers are involved.

Lyla2284 wrote:I seriously want to change the entire storyline and get rid of both Rika and Chaz in my game. They serve no real purpose in this version. They're just... there.

On the contrary, this is an opportunity to re-examine Rika's role. She would certainly develop in a different direction with Chaz gone and Alys still around.

Lyla2284 wrote:But I am feeling rather dejected now, seeing how many errors the game truly has.

Eh, most of the stuff up there is fairly trivial. The only truly damaging bugs so far are the freezing one and the missing font. Adjusting stuff like monster placement and passability is (unless XP differs greatly from 2k and 2k3 in this) relatively quick and easy.

Lyla2284 wrote:And this is just an excuse to for others to poke fun of it.

I don't see any flaming or unpleasantness here. If you post something in public on the 'net, you are inviting others to speak their opinion on it, though, whether it's positive or negative. There's no way around that.

vontrapp wrote:I just want to say that no project of this size can go without some errors and please don't make the mistake of many big game companies of believing this should be ready "ASAP" it just leads to a terrible result.

Truth. More than one great game has become a... less than great game due to time restraints.
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